Author Topic: New heat treating method??  (Read 69969 times)

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Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #165 on: August 31, 2019, 08:15:32 pm »

Offline scp

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #166 on: August 31, 2019, 08:44:28 pm »
Are we still doing the technical peer review of a marketing brochure? I wonder how many of us here have made a self-bow that shoots 180 fps. More than a handful? Almost a hundred?

My "primitive bow" also implies using average materials locally available. Other than several cheapest osage orange staves purchased online, I only use what I can routinely cut myself or order from a local lumber mill.

Let's learn first how anyone can do it with a plain hickory stave. I will be satisfied if I can make one such bow out of ten attempts instead of one hundred.

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #167 on: August 31, 2019, 09:32:54 pm »
a hickory self bow shooting 180 fps,, with less and 10 grain pound arrow,, is very do able,, heck probably shoot 200 with lighter arrow,,
170's with 10 gpp,, is a realistic expectation,, from a good bow,,

Offline PatM

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #168 on: August 31, 2019, 09:51:35 pm »
One thing is sure,  those guys aren't hitting those numbers when actually shooting the bows.   Not with those releases anyway.  ;)

Offline Nasr

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #169 on: September 01, 2019, 01:12:24 am »
I don’t need to make a hickory bow that shoots 180 FPS I am happy with what I can do and as pat mentioned they aren’t doing those numbers either. They aren’t using 10 gpp except for one bow and they are using mechanical release. My bows can hit those numbers as well thanks to the many good folks here who share their information such as Marc and Steve. Steve a while back sent me his mass calculator through email and helped me. Which by the way Steve thank you very much it was a game changer for me. I bought TBB and have the four copies and the work you guys did and the others who contributed helped me so much. He backed his claim and I am happy to support him and the others.

Offline PatM

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #170 on: September 01, 2019, 07:32:48 am »
There's plenty of thermal modification  of wood data out there.

 h ttps://

Offline Halfbow

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #171 on: September 02, 2019, 06:20:54 am »
Shannon, I hope you're still reading this. I want to say that I, for one, know exactly why you criticized their reading comprehension. These were my thoughts while reading this thread too. I think you've composed yourself better than many here and I genuinely wish you the best of luck with your dvd.

In this thread, he was accused of making claims he didn't make, and people claimed his site says things it doesn't say. Most people here ran with that. Now ya'll are a gang of nitpickers on a warpath. Put down your torches and wait until you actually know something about his method. Criticizing the advertising for not giving away enough information is ridiculous. Criticizing the performance of his bows is not a solid argument either. Maybe he is full of crap, but many of ya'll are going after him like he personally insulted you. What's wrong guys?

He never claimed to have invented or rediscovered heat treating or fire hardening. The man is telling you his method different. I'm skeptical of its efficacy too, but I see no reason to disbelieve him that it's different. I'm excited to see what it is.

Offline PatM

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #172 on: September 02, 2019, 07:13:33 am »
His site does say all of those things.

Offline tattoo dave

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #173 on: September 02, 2019, 07:40:02 am »
This argumentative thread is an example of the dumb shit that has caused me to not post or visit much in the last couple years. It has solved nothing, proved nothing, and already wasted 10 minutes of my time reading some of it. It reminds me of all the ridiculous political arguments on Facebook.

I don’t visit this site to read arguments. Can we all skip the drama show.

Tattoo Dave
Rockford, MI

Offline PatM

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #174 on: September 02, 2019, 08:26:04 am »
This argumentative thread is an example of the dumb shit that has caused me to not post or visit much in the last couple years. It has solved nothing, proved nothing, and already wasted 10 minutes of my time reading some of it. It reminds me of all the ridiculous political arguments on Facebook.

I don’t visit this site to read arguments. Can we all skip the drama show.

Tattoo Dave

  A guy openly claims to make the best white wood bows  period,  puts down the whole board and you're surprised people are arguing?  lol

Offline Badger

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #175 on: September 02, 2019, 08:41:36 am »
   This thread sure did take on a life of its own while I was gone. I am also skeptical but there is no way I can form any kind of opinion until I see the video. Being involved in flight shooting if he does have something new I am all ears. Even a slight improvement that returns an additional 5 fps has to be considered huge.

Offline sleek

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #176 on: September 02, 2019, 08:53:54 am »
This argumentative thread is an example of the dumb shit that has caused me to not post or visit much in the last couple years. It has solved nothing, proved nothing, and already wasted 10 minutes of my time reading some of it. It reminds me of all the ridiculous political arguments on Facebook.

I don’t visit this site to read arguments. Can we all skip the drama show.

Tattoo Dave

All I did was tell him his advertising sucked. Never once did I say he had nothing important.  He mocked me, made dishonest arguments,  and I very clearly put him in his place.  This is about his ego, not bows. I'd love to see his work. but his best is 180 fps, and he claims his best is THE best out there. Whatever, but still, maybe he is an average bow maker who actually figured a way to make his bows a little better. I'm listening....
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline PatM

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #177 on: September 02, 2019, 09:44:08 am »
   This thread sure did take on a life of its own while I was gone. I am also skeptical but there is no way I can form any kind of opinion until I see the video. Being involved in flight shooting if he does have something new I am all ears. Even a slight improvement that returns an additional 5 fps has to be considered huge.

Do the listed results make you believe they are 5fps faster?

Offline Nasr

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #178 on: September 02, 2019, 11:34:53 am »
I don’t regret anything I said because it’s my right to say it. Never accused him of anything I can’t prove and anyone can see it on his site. I did not go after him just his claims. I agree that we should be respectful but if you say your bows are better then everyone else’s isn’t that putting other people down?

Offline Bryce

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Re: New heat treating method??
« Reply #179 on: September 02, 2019, 11:38:43 am »
This argumentative thread is an example of the dumb shit that has caused me to not post or visit much in the last couple years. It has solved nothing, proved nothing, and already wasted 10 minutes of my time reading some of it. It reminds me of all the ridiculous political arguments on Facebook.

I don’t visit this site to read arguments. Can we all skip the drama show.

Tattoo Dave

All I did was tell him his advertising sucked. Never once did I say he had nothing important.  He mocked me, made dishonest arguments,  and I very clearly put him in his place.  This is about his ego, not bows. I'd love to see his work. but his best is 180 fps, and he claims his best is THE best out there. Whatever, but still, maybe he is an average bow maker who actually figured a way to make his bows a little better. I'm listening....

Arguing, debating, discussing doesn’t matter, it happens. Weather you like it or not is also fine. If you don’t like it, switch threads or something bud. That shouldnt keep you from posting amigo. We’d love to hear from yah more!
Now maybe my views are different but I don’t other ppls critical comments and arguing whether it be about me or not bother me.
My view (and I know it’s not the same for everyone) is that is if i let nasty ppl and nasty words direct me and the way I feel then I’ve just given them some sort of influence over me and I’m not gonna let that happen to me. It’s my life and I control what I feel. Not others. So I simply don’t give others that power or influence by letting it bother me.
Clatskanie, Oregon