Author Topic: Are in the collections of the users on this web side only the American arrows?  (Read 15338 times)

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Offline readfox

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I  have already made 20  new pictures, and try to show for the users of this  cyber web and it's guests in  the others pictures.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 07:57:19 pm by readfox »

Offline PeteC

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Great pictures,wonderful artifacts.But ,"Hillary Clinton,fantastic leader"??? :) I'm not gonna say anything else,I promise. ;D  O:) God bless
What you believe determines how you behave., Pete Clayton, Whitehouse ,Texas

Offline readfox

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Great pictures,wonderful artifacts.But ,"Hillary Clinton,fantastic leader"??? :) I'm not gonna say anything else,I promise. ;D  O:) God bless

Dear PeteC!

We must agree to disagrre  !!!
Soon I will show another pictures. I hope.

But I have seen  80  answers of You, and could  not  see in any of  them  Your own  work.
Actions speak louder than words.
The actions of Hillary Clinton and Her Husbond I can see 20 years.  Let alone I know, that  realy  cost for Him and Her  the  real struggle against sicret enemis of the USA.
In my oinion all that  they have made before are fantastic.  I repeat  personaly for You. It's  my own opinion.  You live in democratic State and can have onother.

May be I and the  other  users of this cyber  web will see in 2011 year Your works are made by Your fingers or Your daughter ?

Happy New  in 2011 year as for You and Your daughter.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 08:13:35 pm by readfox »

Offline readfox

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pat, i just forwarded it to you from my g-mail acct.

Tom !!!

You are my e-mail  Magician. Thank You much.

For  Tom is sent very rare arrow !! 
The users of this cyber web and the guests. You can see  my picture.
I  would like to hope, that soon will be anothers.

The  Tataric  double  arrow. It used as in war, so  in the Tataric Espionage  Service, and  in the Tataric Intelligence Service,
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 06:33:37 pm by readfox »

Offline readfox

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 Dear  Tom - ( Sailordad )!
What about my picture ?
Best wishes.

Offline readfox

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i like that axe head and bodkin point in the last pic
but them points in the second pic are just incredible

Sailordad !!!

Where is my last Atrifact ?

I  mean  !

1.A)  ARTIFACTS’  HOUSES  OF  THE  ESTABLISHMENT  -  IN  THE  OFFICE  OF   THE TATARIC   STATE ESPIONAGE   SERVICE.                                                                                                                                                                       
2.A) THE  TATARIC  ESPIONAGE   SERVICE  HOUSE,  WAS  AS  THE   ESTABLISHMENT OF  THE  TATARIC  STATE  ESPIONAGE SERVICE.                                                                                                                                                 
3.A)  The Double arrow   of  the  Tataric  - ( Kipchakian = Cumanian = Cunian // ( Coenian ) = Polovetsian  = Pechenegish  = Berendean  = Agatsirian =  Burtassian = Khazarian  - { Majgaric;  Misherian} + Boelgaric) - Espionage  Service.                                                                                                                                            4.A)  The  Sicret  Tataric  double  arrow of messages,  those  were  used  by  the   Tataric  - ( Kipchakian = Cumanian = Cunian // ( Coenian ) = Polovetsian  = Pechenegish  = Berendean  = Agatsirian =  Burtassian = Khazarian  - { Majgaric;  Misherian} + Boelgaric) - Espionage  Services.

1.B)  ARTIFACTS’  HOUSES  OF  THE  ESTABLISHMENT  -  IN  THE  OFFICE  OF   THE TATARIC   STATE INTELLIGENCE   SERVICE.                                                                                                                                                                       
2.B) THE  TATARIC  INTELLIGENCE   SERVICE  HOUSE,  WAS   AS  THE   ESTABLISHMENT OF  THE  TATARIC  STATE   INTELLIGENCE   SERVICE.                                                                                                                                                 
3.B)  The Double arrow   of  the  Tataric  - ( Kipchakian = Cumanian = Cunian // ( Coenian ) = Polovetsian  = Pechenegish  = Berendean  = Agatsirian =  Burtassian = Khazarian  - { Majgaric;  Misherian} + Boelgaric) – Intelligence  Service.                                                                                                                                           
4.B)  The  Sicret  Tataric  double  arrow of messages,  those  were  used  by  the   Tataric  - ( Kipchakian = Cumanian = Cunian // ( Coenian ) = Polovetsian  = Pechenegish  = Berendean  = Agatsirian =  Burtassian = Khazarian  - { Majgaric;  Misherian} + Boelgaric) – Intelligence   Services.

1)  “THE   SICRET   DOUBLE  TATARIC   ARROW  OF  THE  MASSEGES”,   that  had been   used  by  the  Tataric Espionage  Service,  was   used  as   "THE  SICRET  DOUBLE   OF TATARIC ESPIONAGE SERVICE’S  MESSAGE  AROW".
2)  “THE   SICRET   DOUBLE  TATARIC   ARROW  OF  THE  MASSEGES”,   that  had been   used  by  the  Tataric Intellignce Service ,   was   used  as   "THE  SICRET  DOUBLE  OF  TATARIC INTELLIGENCE  SERVICE’S   MESSAGE AROW".
 This  Tataric  - ( Kipchakian = Cumanian = Cunian // ( Coenian ) = Polovetsian  = Pechenegish  = Berendean  = Agatsirian =  Burtassian = Khazarian  - { Majgaric;  Misherian} + Boelgaric) -  arrow  was  called  as  “ THE  SICTET  DOUBLE  OF TATARIC  ESPIONAGE  SERVICE’S   MESSAGE  ARROW”,  and  ”  THE   SICRET  DOUBLE  OF   TATARIC  INTELLIGE’S   SERVICE’S   MESSAGE  ARROW ”.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 03:37:11 pm by readfox »