Author Topic: Are in the collections of the users on this web side only the American arrows?  (Read 15329 times)

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Offline readfox

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My Dear  friends   all  over the World,   MANY,  MANY THANKS  for  the   all !!!

Offline Pat B

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Thank you too, Readfox. Please send more if you have them. Very cool stuff!  8)
  Tim, you can see where some of our modern hunting heads come from.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline readfox

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Dear  Tom = sailordad and Pal !
Personaly thanks to You both.

Offline Pat B

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I am going to post these artifact pics on the War Bow thread. I'm sure lots of interest there.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline readfox

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Pat !

Thanks, I am  glad  to see Your  2 job.
You make both goodly.
Tnank  You  for  pictures, as it's  herritage all over the World.
Carolina is  fantastic region of the USA. 

Offline sailordad

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well glad you glad there readfox  ;D
happy to help out
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline Sparrow

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  • Who shot cock robin ? I said the sparrow.
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 Wow,cool artifacts ! Real war points. Not a common sight to be sure.
Readfox, You are correct, I very seldom post any pictures. What would you like to see ?
Today ,I was out cutting Hazelnut arrow shafts. Yesterday,I was knapping arrowheads from obsidian,tomorrow I have to package up some obsidian and a hickory stave for a fella, and a box of obsidian for a buddy down in Texas, to get them in the mail on Monday.
This coming week,I will be building a Black Locust bow from a stave.I have arrows to make. I will also be trying to get out and track some pheasants and shoot them. I have a job interview,and about a million other ideas for things I'd like to do.
We have 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground and the temp. is about 20 degrees F. Sunny all day today.
 I Look forward to seeing your post here on Primitive Archer.  Best Regards  '  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline readfox

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well glad you glad there readfox  ;D
happy to help out

Tom !!!

Thank You too as withot Your help, We  could  not make it.
I  squerrel with  my  sudent, and He   gone   away.

Young  boys  are  scuanrells  in all countries.
I am fed up of His  lasiness in studies.

Offline readfox

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Wow,cool artifacts ! Real war points. Not a common sight to be sure.
Readfox, You are correct, I very seldom post any pictures. What would you like to see ?
Today ,I was out cutting Hazelnut arrow shafts. Yesterday,I was knapping arrowheads from obsidian,tomorrow I have to package up some obsidian and a hickory stave for a fella, and a box of obsidian for a buddy down in Texas, to get them in the mail on Monday.
This coming week,I will be building a Black Locust bow from a stave.I have arrows to make. I will also be trying to get out and track some pheasants and shoot them. I have a job interview,and about a million other ideas for things I'd like to do.
We have 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground and the temp. is about 20 degrees F. Sunny all day today.
 I Look forward to seeing your post here on Primitive Archer.  Best Regards  '  Frank

I   would  like  to see somethin real  American than can me suprised by the AMERICANESS and  human beeing's  attitures to the businesses that You devoted Your free time.
Out time is so litited on the Earth  with years it can realised more and more, that why I dream to make with Historical  artifacts more.
Arrows are little part of my Historical activites.
Besr wishes.

Offline readfox

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I am going to post these artifact pics on the War Bow thread. I'm sure lots of interest there.

Dear  Pat !!!

I  could not  find  the War Bow thread. name in Your  cyber web unfortunarly.
Please explain where isit  ?.

Offline readfox

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Pat !!!
Thank You much I have found all  myself.
Best wishes.

 Dear  users of  this   cyber  web, thank  You, that  You  have  appriciated  this  33  years' Wrought head  collection!!

 It's  original collection of Asia,  and  Europe:  The  Historical  Tatary,  The Idil - ( Volga) - Kaman  Boelgaric  State // The  Idil - (Volga) - Kaman  State  Boelgary,  Autochtonacally - Historical  Cumania,  Turkic   Khazaria, Turania, plus  Europe  arrows  from  4 century.
Please don't  make  mistake and won't think that it  means  nowadays  the  Balkan  BULGARIA  on the river  Danube.

I  would like  to show  thise  arrows' Wrought head  collection  for  usres of this  cuber web  a  lot  of  matiarials  have  the Tataric  background  origines.

It is  only  litle  part  of   large  collection, that I worked 33 years of my life  and  made  contribution to show it for the users of this cyber web.
It is  work  33 years of my life and sleepless nights. It  costed mo me  a lot of my  blood.

You are welcome.

Pat,  Sailordad, Millet and  Sparrow  !!!
Thank You much again,  and  the othrers user of this cyber web.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 01:53:12 pm by readfox »

Offline sailordad

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Readfox, i am more than happy to help out  ;D

glad you shared,its an impressive collection

i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline readfox

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Tim !!
It  is  my little  The  Tataric – American  reprouchment, that  earlier   was  forbidden to  write  because  of  the  Russians!!! 
As  have been written by me before,  it's  only  some   from 1700  arrows’  Wrought head  collection!! The spesimen of wrought heads’ arrows in   the collection have 1700 pieces.
It is not all collection,  that  You  together with  Pat  kindly could  help  to  show  for  the users  of this  cyber web.
As there  are  the Tataric,  the   Norwegian,  the  Swedish,  the  Hungarian, the  Polish,  the German,  the Catalan, the Lithuanian, the  French, the  Czechic , the  Romanian   arrows Wrought heads   in  medi. Times.
Plus there  are  arrows   wrought heads collection from   4   centuries.
But   there  are  the Tataric,  the   Norwegian,  the  Swedish,  the  Hungarian, the  Polish,  the German,  the  Catalan, the  Lithuanian, the  French, the  Czechic,   the  Romanian   arrows'  Wrought heads   with   those    friendly  countries  or   Nations  at  those  times  earlier with which  We  had  sicret  Intelligence Service  treaties against our mutual  enemies  at   that  moment..
Let  alone about  the Jews  and the Arabs, as  We  organised  the Mamluke  Sultanate  and saved  the Jews, the  European, and the Arabs   against the Mongolian  invagian.  Our National  Hero Beybars  distrioded  the  Mongolian  forces. All   documents  are   alive. In spite of that facts that The Russians  stolen  these documents all over the World  and killed, Who helped us to save these Tataruc, Occidental and  Oriantal documents  about our History  and conections with the other Nataions  all over the World. 

 What   about   the    Amerindians we had  connections too, but it was cut out many thousans years  before // ago.  We can understand their words  in  much  number,  but   of course  not  all.  We   can make  out    what  They  seak  about.  Of   caurse   Who  kkow  the   Tataric  language/ I mean  Native the   Tataric speakers.  All  over the  World  as  all  educated  Ameriacans  caled  them,  as  it  told  by the  progresive   Ameriacan  science  excusivly  as  "Amerindians".

But with Your  ancestors  =  Euro-Ameriacan, who  were   Farthers  -  organisers of  nowadays  Sacred USA  in the   Northen America  Continent We had Sicret treaty for   building  of   Your  the   AMERICAN  INTELLIGENCE  SERVICES too  for  the  American  Independence.
But it was strictly forbiden to write earlier in:  as in the  Schovinistic Czar Russian Empire of the Romanovs, that were called   "The  Prison  of  People",  it  was  called   all  European  countrries,  and educated  Americans,   and  later   the   name   of this    country   was  change. It   was   named  by   Your  American  Lord  Promector  of  the  American Democracy, it meand  President   Ronald  Regan  as  “ Empire  of Evil”.  It was    terrible    totalitarian USSR!!!  For  the help in organising  of the  FUTURE AMERICAN INTELIGENCE  SERVICE  in the    aggressive   Czar   Rusian Empire of the Romanov and  later in the totalitarian USSR  was  only  the dearth and not PRISON !!!
It was sicret of the aggressiave   Czar Russian Empire of the Romanov and later in the totalitarian USSR.

Your  Fantastic  Leader  Hillary  Clinton  know it and She had made  fantastic much  for my Nation.  She  was in our catital in the previos years.
We  are  the  Tatars   very happy  and   much  proud,  that  Your  Intelligence Service  Historuans and  Leaders of  Your  State  Hillary  Clinton  and Her  Husband   Bill Clinton - President did not forget our  Tataric  contribution in building of  Your  American   Intelligence  Services.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 06:02:49 pm by readfox »

Offline mullet

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  • Eddie Parker
 Thanks for posting the pictures, Pat. I was trying to figure out how. The middle point in the second frame looks very similar to a Pearson Deadhead.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline readfox

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Dear Milett!!

A little  History  about Amerindians  personaly   for You,  and other users of this cyber web.

The Occidental part of the Tataric Nation - Kipchaks - Oghuz // Kipchakian - Oghuz =  (Kipchaks - Khazar // Cumanians - Khazars = Kipchakian - Khazar //
// Cumanians - Khazars =  Kipchaks - Khazarian  //  Cumanians - Khazarian =  Polovetsians - Khazarian)  - has   seventeen  17  different  names  are  used  by  the  foreigners,  as  before occupation  of   the  country, by  the  different  aggressors,   their   Motherland  -  the  State   Autochtonally - historical  Cumania  =
= Kiptchakland  // Kiptchakland  = the  Polovetsian  Country  = Valewien  = La Comania =  Het  Polovetisch  land = Kraju  Polowców = KIPCSÁKORSZÁG   =   KUMÁNIA   =   KUNORSZÁG   =   KUNFÖLD  sounds  in  the  Tataric  language  as    « K I P Ç A K İ L E »   bordered   with  a  number  of  the  foreign  States  and   each   neighbour  Nation  called  of  the  Occidental  part  of  the  United  Mutual Tataric  Nation  in  their  own  ways: Foreign  neighbours  name  of  the  Occidental  part  of the  Tataric  Nation  in  their  own  ways.  As  before occupation  of  Autochtonally - historical  Cumania  = Kiptchakland  // Kiptchakland  =  The  Polovetsian Country  -
 - (in  the  Tataric  language sounds  as  « K I P Ç A K İ L E ») -  by the different occupanters,  The  State  Cumania  were  called  in  different  names  by  all  its neighbours.  Consequently the Occidental Part of  the Tataric Nation - (Kipchaks - Oghuz  =  Kipchaks - Khazarian)  -  has fourteen  different  names:
l. The  Ethnic  name  of  the  Occidental  part  of  the  Tataric Nation  is  the Kipchaks;
2. The Roman Catholic name of the Occidental part of the  Tataric Nation is the Cumanians. // The Roman Catholic Nations and the Romanic // the Romance Nations name of the Occidental part  of  the Tataric Nation the Cumanians.  It  means  that it  went   form the Classical  Latin,   where   a  the  word Kipchakian  human being  in  singular  is  Cumanus,  and  in plural  the Kipchakians  is  Cumane. -  The Cumanians. Transactions // Historical work - Codex Cumanicus. - Publishing house Ezakun, Copenhagen,  Denmark;
3. The Hungarian name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is  the  KUN (Never Hunns or Gunns), plural number in the Hungarian language is Kunok.  Translation  from  the  Hungarian  language  into  the  English  language of  the  word  "Kunok"  is  the  Cunians  //  the Coenians;The  other  variant  of  name  of   the  Kipchakians  in the Hungarian language in a singular - Palocz;
4.  The Hellenic (Greek) name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is the  Pechenegs;
5.  The  Germans  name  of   the  Kipchakians   in  the German  language  ” Valewen “ ,  in  a  singular  -  “ Valewe “, and  in a   plural  Valewen.The name of  the country  of  the Kipchakians  - ( Valewen )  - in  the  German  language  is  Valewien.  This  word, ” Valewien “  matters,  in  the German  language   of  a  measure,   that is  close to  the  conception  to  a certain  extend  - " Gingerland ",  that  means  a  Country  of   the  chestnut  men  - (  a  Country  of   the  reddish - brown  men ) ".
6.  The  Germano  - Latin  names   of  the Kipchakians  are   Falones // Phalagi // Valvi;
7.  The  Name  of   the  Kipchakians   in  the  Latin language  is  Pallidi.
8.  The  Italians   name   of   the  Kipchakians  in  the  Italian  language   - “  I Comani “, in a singular  - - “  Il  Comano  “,  and in a  plural  - “ I Comani  “.The  name of   the country  of   the  Kipchakians  - (  I Comani )  -  in   the  Italian  language  is  La Comania.
9.   The  name  of   the  Kipchakians  in  the  Georgian  language  is  - “ Qivc'aq -“;
10. The  name  of   the  Kipchakians  in  the  Armenian  language  is  - “ Xbsax “  or  “ Xartes ”;
11.  The Islamic  and  the Arabian name of  the  Kipchakians:
A)  The  Islamic  name  of   the  Kipchakians is  “ Xifjfx “// “Xifjax “ //  “ Qifjfq ”  //  “ Qipcfq ”  or  “ Qifjaq ”  //  // “ Qifjiq “  on  -  (al - Umari)  with  1297  on  1348. -  ( The  ethnonym  Qibcaq  was  picked  up  by  the  Islamic  authors  (e.g. in the forms  “ Xifjƒx ”, “ Qifjƒq ”, “ Qipcƒq ” etc.);
B)  The  Arabs  named  of   the  Kipchakians  in  the  Arabian  language  in  the  beginning  of  XIII century  as  “ Qifjaq ” //  “ Qifjiqs ”  on  - ( Ibn al – Air ).The second Arabian name of  the  Occidental  part  of   the  United  Mutual  Tataric  Nation  --  Kipchaks - Oghuz // Kipchakian - Oghuz =  (Kipchaks - Khazar // Cumanians -
- Khazars =  Kipchakian - Khazar // Cumanians - Khazars =  Kipchaks - Khazarian  //  Cumanians - Khazarian =  Polovetsians - Khazarian)    -  ( Majgaric  +
+ Misherian ) - is  the  word    “Sacaliba”  in plural,  and   in  singular  is the word  “Saclab”.   
12.  In  the  language  of   the   Jews,  in  the  Hewbrew  language,   the  Kipchakians  carry   the   name  of 
  “ Kunim “,   in  a  singular  - “ Kuni ”,  and  in  a  plural   -  “ Kunim “.
13. The  name  of   the  Kipchakians in the Bosnian  language  -  former  Bogomilian  and  in  the   Croatian languages  is   “  Kuni “,  or “ Kumáni ”,  in  a   singular  - “ Kun “,  or   “ Kumán “,  and  in  a   plural  -  “ Kuni “, or  “ Kumáni “.
14.  The Persians called  the Kipcakians  as  “Saklab”, “Sakaliba”, and before  of  closest  precursors  in  blood  of  the  Kipchakians  are  called  as  “Elems”, “Ilems”, who  had  the  synonym name  as  “Qang - Sumer”////  “Qangar - Sumer”//  Qangur - Sumer // Sumer - Qan.  The  Persians  in  their  Persian  language  called  the  Kipchakians  as   “Qan”,  “Qang”,  in a singular, and  “Qangha”  in  plural.The  collection of  Sacred Zoroastrian  manuscripts are  called into  the ancient East - Iranian  language  language -  Avesta  gives  the  name  of  the Pechenegians = the Kipchakians =  the Cumanians  = the Polovetsians, as  Kangar // Kungur // Kan // Kang //  in  the  singular,  but   in the  plural,  as “ Kangha”.  The  ancestors  of   the  modern  Tatars  have  tree  main names: The  Kipchakians;  Khazarians;  Boelgarians,  Who  were  the same one  ethnic  People.  - The one  of these  tree  names  of the ancestors of the modern  Tatars  gently  got  across   from one to another  in  the  times that  changed  each other.That’s  why  in   the  modern  writing  in the Tataric language for  the  Kipchakians   of  the  one   from  the   several  main   names of  the  nowadays  living  ancestors’  Tataric  Nation  is  used   the  word  -  Kan  or Kang,  that   is  shown with the help  of  spelling and transcription,  as the  word  - “QAÑ”.  The  Persians called   the  Ancient  State  of   Khoresm  by  the  name  of  “Qangha”, but  the Chinese  called the same Ancient  State  of  Khoresm  by  the  name  of   "Kangui".
15.  Among  the  Amerinds  -  (  Who  were called  the American Indians earlier  )  -   We  can meet the ethnicon  -  ( ethnic  self  - name  as )  - “Comanche”.  - ( Thomas  Mayne  Reid.  The Headless Horseman.Book  Publisher: London: Richard Bentley, 1866.
16.  In the Chinese ancient sources of  III  century  B. C.  the  Turkic speaking   the Kipchakians  ==  the Cumanians  = the Cunians = the Polovethians =
the Pechenegishes =  the Agatsirians  = the Berendeans  =  the Khazarians - (Majgars, Misherians) + Boelgars ,  who   are  one  of  the   three  main  ancestors  of   nowadays  Tatars  were  named in the Chinese language as  “Kyoeshe“- (  古耶舍 ), and  later  the  name  of  them   in  the  Chinese language  was, as  “Kangui” - ( 康鬼 ).  “Kyoeshe”  - ( 古耶舍 ) - it is  exact in the Chinese language philological  shortening   of   the  ethnicon  -  ( ethnic  self  - name  as )   of the Kipchakians  = = the Cumanians  = the Cunians =  the Polovethians =  the Pechenegishes =  the Agatsirians  = the Berendeans = the Khazarians - (Majgars, Misherians) +
+ Boelgars,  who   are  one  of  the   three  main  ancestors  of   nowadays  Tatars   sounds  as  " Kukizhi "  - (古吉日) -  meaning  in the Chinese  language  - “White - faced” .The Chinese  in  their  old  sources  on  Geography named the  Ancient State  of  Khoresm   as  “Kangui” - (康鬼), but   the Persians  named  the  same  Ancient State of  Khoresm  as “Qangha ” = (康哈) .
17. The  Western  Slavs'  name of  the  Occidental  part of  the Tataric Nation is  the Polovetsians  - ( Plauci).
Rosallba  II   had  not  only  idyllic  //  Platonical contacts  with  the  Chieftain - (Konungr) - from   the Eastern  Europe  which  had  three  handsome  sons:Leh - (Will  have  been  called  Pole in the Tataric language after  that events were connected with  Rosallba   in  the  future; Çeh -  (Will  have  been called  Czech  in  the  Tataric  language  after that events were connected  with  Rosallba in the  future, as in our nowadays  too;Meh - (Will  have  been called  Slovakian  in  the  Tataric  language after that evnts  connected  with  Rosallba  in  the  future,  who  was   the   youngest  from  the  three  brothers.  Rosallba  II  run  away  with  Meh  but  only  after   discharging  her  duty .  It  means  after  perfectly finishing   her  works  as   intelligencer  who  was  the  real  Patriotic  daughter  of  the  Tataric - (Cumanian // Cunian = Coenian // Kipchakian // Polovethian // Pechenegish // // Berendean // Agatsirian // Khazarian -  (Majgaric, Misherian) + Boelgaric -  mother  country  //  fatherland,  as  for  Rosallba,  as  for  the  real  daughter  of  the  Tataric Peoples, the  only  and exclusively  the  Tatatic Intelligence  Service  was the first thing  should be done before running away with  her  darling - Meh  .  In that  time as it was  written in old  Germanic  documents  all  to know  that  the  Tatarian //  the Tataric  - (Cumanian  // Cunian = = Coenian // Kipchakian // Polovethian // Pechenegish // Berendean // Agatsirian // Khazarian -  (Majgaric,  Misherian) - women were exceptionally gifted in the  Intellegence Service as nobody in  the World  because of  their National Tatarian // Tataric - (Cumanian // Cunian = Coenian // Kipchakian //  Polovethian //  Pechenegish  // // Berendean  //  Agatsirian  // Khazarian  -  (Majgaric,   Misherian)  + Boelgaric  - mind  and  education.   
Çehile -  The  Tataric  name  of  Czechia.
Lehile -  The  Tataric  name  of  Poland.
Mehile -  The  Tataric  name  of  Slovakia.