Author Topic: Are in the collections of the users on this web side only the American arrows?  (Read 15339 times)

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Offline readfox

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Have You got the arrows of the  another States from the differents centures ?

What about  the  Medeival original  not  imittation   arrows?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 03:40:39 pm by readfox »

Offline Pat B

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We like all primitive and traditional handmade arrows. Most of us on this site are from the US and Native American arrows are most familiar to us. A few of the guys from Europe and Asia have posted primitive and traditional arrows here also. If you have any you would like to share with us we would love to see them.
  Check out the "War Bow" thread for "Mary Rose" style and other medeval style arrows.
  I would venture to say most of the arrows made by the members here on PA are authentic or very similar to the originals.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline readfox

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Thank You for Your kindness!
In  this country is  already  one  hour and  2 minutes  of  2011's  New  Year  in  Europe time !!
Happy New Year  and  throughout  all   of  2011 that soon came in the USA too.

You did not realise  me.
I would like to shore original collection of Asia,  and  Europe:  The  Historical  Tatary,  The Idil - ( Volga) - Kaman  Boelgaric  State // The  Idil - (Volga) - Kaman  State  Boelgary,  Autochtonacally - Historical  Cumania,  Khazaria, Turania, plus  Europe  arrows  from  4 century.
Please don't  make  mistake and won't think that it  means  nowadays  the  Balkan  BULGARIA  on the river  Danube.

I  would like  to shore  these arrows from  arrows'   collection  for  usres of this  cuber web.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 07:01:28 pm by readfox »

Offline mullet

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 Happy New Year, and welcome to Primitive Archer. We would love to see your arrows.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline sailordad

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readfox, welcome to PA glad to have you here
i would love to see pics of your arrows etc
and happy new year,we still have about 2 hours to go where i live
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline readfox

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Dears:  Pat B,  Mullet,Sailordad !
As I could realise You are  main  tree  KEY-PLAYERS  of  these   AMERICAN  ARROW  GANSTERS  in this  cyber  web.
I  am  not  good user  of computer and that’s  why send  to tree of You  some little  part of collection.
Thank You for  congratulations.  In a couple of minutes on Your e-mail adresse of You will be little part of this collection.

Dear Sailordad !

Your  mail is absent, that’s candly  be   waited, when   Pat B,  and   Mullet  make this  collection  for  the others  users  of this  cyber web including You.

Offline readfox

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Unfortunatly  only  of   one  KEY-PLAYER  of the  American  arrow  ganster is working e-mail,
I mean Mullet !!!

Wait Him and his  computer  activity, When He will be able to show part of the collection.
Best wishes.
It's soon will be very cold about  - 25 !!!
I must  make  some preparation.
I  was happy that You all in Florida in PARADISE as You have tempreture + !!!

Dears:  Pat B,  Mullet,Sailordad !
As I could realise You are  main  tree  KEY-PLAYERS  of  these   AMERICAN  ARROW  GANSTERS  in this  cyber  web.
I  am  not  good user  of computer and that’s  why send  to tree of You  some little  part of collection.
Thank You for  congratulations.  In a couple of minutes on Your e-mail adresse of You will be little part of this collection.

Dear Sailordad !

Your  mail is absent, that’s candly  be   waited, when   Pat B,  and   Mullet  make this  collection  for  the others  users  of this  cyber web including You.

Offline sailordad

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readfox, you can send too

thank you
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline readfox

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I have sent personny for You.
Please don't forget to show for all users of this cyber web.
Best wishes.

Offline Pat B

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Readfox, When you click on "reply" the reply window comes up. At the bottom left under the reply box you will see "additional options" click on that and if your pics are in the "My Pictures" section of your computer and each pic is set at 640x480 with no more than 200 mp you can click on that pic to bring it up on your thread.   Also, if your camera is set for the lowers resolution then your pics should be the appropriate size to post here on PA.
  The pics have not come through to my e-mail yet but when they do I will post them here.
  Thanks,   Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline sailordad

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readfox, thank you. i am truly sorry i tried to post the pics with this message,but it tells me they are too large.
my apologies,as i am not very computer savvy.
those are very cool,realy glad you sent me the pics.
those are the best pics of midevil times points ihave ever seen.
are they from a museum or your personal collection?

to answer your question from your e-mail.
i live in central Minnesota,USA.the climate here is seasonal.we have spring summer fall and winter.
i think our winters are very similar.we get alot of snow most years and -25* is very comon to.
this year we have set records for our area for snow fall so far,not alot of real cold temps yet,but it is only January now and we still have about 3-4 more months of winter to go.
i am an auto technician (mechanic) i have been doing this type of work for more than 20 yrs far as education goes.i went to technical college and got my degree in automotives.
i find all types of archery very intersting.however i am mostly interested in flintknapping and making seflbows,but i do Love anything reltated to archery and the hstory of archery.
i have always been fascitnated with the midevil times too.
i find the collection of points in these pice to be very interesting.
is it possible for you to provide details on some of the various point tpes and what they may have been used for?

once again my apoligies for my lack of computer skills
i wish i could post he pics as i know other here would realy enjoy  them  :'(


i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline readfox

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Dear  Pat!!
Sorry I have these   pictures  only  the   collection  in my  e-mail address,  that was  made with the help of  my  student.
I  don't know how to put it from my e-mail  address. in  that  could help to me  made   the  student of mine.
Expain for me the method  of transformation from e-mail to my computer and after it I  realy  try to  show for the users of this cuber web.

Answer to   Sailordad.

Dear  Sailordad!
I  was  much  suprised that was used   exprasion  "would love",   I was absolutly shure that can be used only  "would like to"!!!
Is it American  English ?
It's  only litle part of the  collection  about  this  subject that You have seen.
Why Do You like this tipe of WAR ART  if You are  so far  from it?
I think this  as  by  You   were  written, that   You  are  technision and not humanitarian.
Best  wishes.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 12:11:37 pm by readfox »

Offline Pat B

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Your email to me has not arrived. I am not technical enough to give better explaination for downloading pics. If you can send them to me by email I can post the pics here on PA...just can not explain!  ;D
  I download all pics I plan to post on, a free photo website. On photobucket you can set it to resize pics to 640x480 and then "cut and paste" pics to any website. Photobucket is a good place to store pics so you don't take up too much space on your computer.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline sailordad

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pat, i just forwarded it to you from my g-mail acct.
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline readfox

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Dear  Pal !!
May be Your  e-mail address is little!
Can You increase the one?