Good to hear from you Steve, ya it has been hot for sure, but cooling down a bit now,71 for a high today, hope it holds till Spring.

Got 2 deer skinned and soaking in the cooler yesterday, I had a doe given to me so now getting a good start on filling the freezer.

That will make Miss Joanie happy and you know what they say about a happy wife.

I was skinning my deer and found my trade point, it had lodged deep in the off side shoulder and I guess came loose when the deer ran, glad to have found it so I can but it back in service. It busted the off side shoulder and went through to the hide on the outside, guess their is something to be said for 680 grain arrow.

All the arrow needs is some cleaning up and put back together, got to love that,

them sour wood shafts are tough.
