Friday and headed to the cabin when I get away from here, Sister showed back up yesterday and I got to try the collar out. Only vibrated it a couple of times, she is always good for a day or 2 after a bad run off.

We will see how she does today. It is going to be hot today and then cool off for the weekend so I Plan on some hunting Saturday and maybe this evening if I am in the mood

and a little shop work, I have a side blow horn and another powder horn in the works and am getting in the mood to finish tillering 3 bows I have ready and at low brace, other than that just a laid back weekend. Today is my son Beau's birthday, 31 years.

We took him out last evening for Cat fish and had a great meal and time spent with Him and Christina.

We also have a Baggett family reunion Sunday evening so it will be a busy weekend for me. Hope yall have a good one. See ya Monday. Life is Good.