Ya DC I though about that, I told her yesterday I need to test it out and ask her if she would volunteer , I thought she need a little training after 43 years I wanted to see if I could teach an old dog some new tricks,

she didn't think that was funny at all.

So now I need to be careful. I just hope Sister is back when I get there today, she ran off again yesterday while I was there cutting up deer meat and hadn't returned when I had to leave, man, I just don't what I am going to do with her if I can't get this under control. Heck the yots may have got her last night and I guess then I won't have to worry about it anymore.

This collar I got is supposed to reach out 1,000 yards and will knock the crap out of her is I want it to,[right this moment I do ]

so just maybe I can get some sense into her with it.

On a good note I got about 90 lbs of cleaned and boned deer meat/steaks/roast and stew meat wrapped and in the freezer and 6 shoulder also cleaned and wrapped and in the club freezer just waiting for the TN. Classic feed. We need about 25 shoulders for the Classic so that is a start.
