Well yesterday was the start of bow season here. Had to work but got out after work. When I hit the woods
it was a balmy 43 deg with 20 mph wind with intermittent rain squalls. Tried to sit in my ladder stand but I was getting motion sick from the tree swaying.
Plan B I have little pop up blind I nestled in a clump of spruce near a red oak dropping acorns so off I went to that spot. Was sitting about an hour when a little spike comes bouncing in at 5 yards

I decided not to shoot hoping the 6 pointer I had seen a few days earlier would show up. It was fun watching him and I practiced drawing on him 3 or 4 times. So now its almost dark and he wouldn't leave but I was ready to go, I tried whistling at him nope wouldn't leave, then I blew same results, so I tried throwing cones at him nope kept eating acorns finally I started clapping my hands and he got the idea and ambled off didn't run or flag just slowly walked away, I think the only reason he left is that he was full

All in all a good evening in the woods.