Author Topic: looks like im losing one to the coyotes  (Read 4586 times)

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Offline Ryan_Gill_HuntPrimitive

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looks like im losing one to the coyotes
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:37:45 pm »
i have never had a problem with coyotes in my area before. i have never even seen one but this year i have seen 2 so far and shot at both of them,. the first one i missed cuz it ducked and the other i hit poor because he ducked but i never found him.
        so tonight i shot a doe, im not really sure how well but i know it was probably pretty good, it was at 10 yards but was a bit too dark to see where arrow hit exactly be she crashed off hard. ofcourse i didnt see any blood..go figure huh?  but i shot one last year and it died within 25 yards and never spilled any blood either so dont know what the deal is. so i keep looking anyways and i figure i'll keep working the way i saw her go and i'll either see blood or stumble on to her. but its so thick here in FL that you cant just see em laying they always ball up in the palmettos .   so as i am looking, i hear the shrill sound of a coyote about 20 -30 yards away.  im not a fearful person and a song dog doesnt really put me out, but i had a couple of them surrounding me yipping and howling and very put off by my presence. and i started to think, they probably cant kill me, but if they found my deer already and are willing to protect it i will have a serious dog fight on my hands in the pitch of dark all by myself. so i decide that i am out numbered and I walk out of there. i tried to look real big and talk loud to run them off but they werent having any part of that, they knew they had numbers on their side.  so my guess it they found it and had it coverd so even though it will be all chewed up by morning, i plan on goin out first thing and trying to find it.  im goin to bring my shot gun along incase they are still on it.  then they can sing a song to the sound of the 12 gauge.  if they found it and tore it up, i am goin to bust out the preditor call and its on like donkey kong.
        i'll keep anyone who's interested posted.    anyone else have any experience with this?   is there much left by morning or will they most likely just eat the guts the first night?  i dont think there was anymore than 3 especially since i drilled one with a cane shaft 2 nites earlier. any ideas? - i guess this was more of a vent than anything. a new problem to overcome - Ryan
Formerly "twistedlimbs"
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Offline kayakfisher

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Re: looks like im losing one to the coyotes
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 11:42:56 pm »
Just be carefull was a wise choice not to tangle with them in the dark, they usually eat the guts out first . Anyway you look at it the meat is gone, you might be able to salvage sinew from it.
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Offline knightd

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Re: looks like im losing one to the coyotes
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 11:46:43 am »
Ive had them drag off the carcus and had what ws left buried in a hole all that was left out was part of the head..

Offline huntertrapper

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Re: looks like im losing one to the coyotes
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 05:19:36 pm »
yeah man they are some pesky one friend shot a doe with a bow last year and the coyotes tore it to pieces....good luck callin em though are some of the hardest things to call in, the eastern yoddlers are harder than the west by a long shot....ill let my dad know and hell give ya some tips on callin....hes predatorcaller on here if ya got any callin questions....
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Offline ballista

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Re: looks like im losing one to the coyotes
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 09:25:10 pm »
 haha did you donkey kong there arses?  ;D ive seen a coyote chase a deer pretty close to my stand, but there's a 26 dollar bounty for them here. im 90 percent a strict bowhunter(i havent hunted deer traditionally yet, ive only been doing it for a year or two), but we nailed 6 all together last year there a real nisience in illinois. ive heard stories of deer being lont to coyotes, but i really think its a 1-100 chance of it realy hapenning... i could be jynxing myself though! :-X
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Offline Sparrow

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Re: looks like im losing one to the coyotes
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 04:15:34 pm »
Never seen a coyote that would'nt give ground at the mere sight of me.I would be worried possibly if one did'nt that he might be rabid.Did you have your headlamp with you ?  Hope you got some of those rascals. When I left S.C. in "79,there were no coyotes there yet.All my experience has been with western "yotes. There are too many of them most places.   Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington