Author Topic: its not that complicated  (Read 4367 times)

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Offline bradsmith2010

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its not that complicated
« on: November 08, 2022, 02:48:53 pm »
   ok Im going to start this to help some new guys improve their shooting,, Im not a great shot,,but ok if I practice every day,, oh yes thats part of it,,
    some people thiink they can just figure it out in their head and then shoot well,, you cant,, you have to put in the work and practice,,,, and the progress is slow,, like a musical instrument,,  you have to practice hours and hours to get good,, not just a few days or weeks,, but months or years,,,so dont get discourged if it dont happen like magic,,,
    the main thing is to be consistant,, how ever you shoot,, your body will find a way if you just stay consistant,,
if you shoot alot of bows and try something different every time,, you will not get the results you want,,there are so many ways to shoot a bow,, Im not going to get into that,,
   I will post how I practice for hunting shots as a start,, it may not work for you,,, everyone is different,, but any consistant routine of practice will help,, better than thinking about it,,
   1. draw the arrow the same every time,, p ;Dut a piece of tape on the arrow and draw to that every time,, if you have an anchor or not,, ok you may get in a hunting situation where your body is turned and you cant draw the same ,,, thats ok all your practice will help make the shot,, keep practicing drawing the same,, this will help you be consistant in any situation,, ok thats all for today,, I need to think about this,,  ;D

Offline Fox

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Re: its not that complicated
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2022, 07:32:17 pm »
Thanks for that post Brad. I got access to a new piece of land last week, big open hardwood with way more deer then any public land I’ve had to hunt. I’ve been out there 3 times and seen 5 deer shot at one and missed spooked it wasn’t able to get close enough to the others. My question is I’ve been hunting the same ridge the past 2 times I’ve been out there and spooked a deer each time by moving too much and also by when I missed, (I missed cause The deer was a bit out of my range and was weary of me so he jumped the string) anyway I’m wondering if I should keep hunting that ridge or if I’m putting to much pressure there and should look for somewhere else? Thanks again Brad.
Why must we make simple things so complicated?

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: its not that complicated
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2022, 12:15:19 pm »
well thats a tough one,, if they coming to acorns,,it might stay good,,I have some friends that change places every time, and some that dont,,
   I think for sure keep a journal about the activity,,to compare later if you make a mistake,,
I think try one more time and see how it goes,,,then take a break from it,, if you dont see

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: its not that complicated
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2022, 12:22:25 pm »
   when I start to get used to a bow I gonna hunt with,, I start close,,,and I shoot one arrow at a time for my main practice,, of course if I want to shoot more arrows I do that later for fun,, I shoot at least 20 arrows a day like this if time will permit,, start at 5 yards,, shoot at a small dot or bottle cap,,make sure you are consistant with your shot,, holding your head same angle,,your release should have same pressure on fingers every time,, keep your elbow down,,,make the timing of your shot the same every time,, just dont experiment at this time,, do that next year after season,,,dont get discouraged is the main thing,, it make take a few days or weeks to sink in,,, gradually move back as your shots get better,, paying close attention to where your first shot of the day goes,,,, no warm up,,,,that is telling your where your deer killing accurcy is,,

Offline TimBo

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Re: its not that complicated
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2022, 12:30:15 pm »
Brad, I watched your video on YouTube where you were shooting your Osage bow, getting ready for turkey season I think...anyway, lately if I remember to say "look like Brad", I always shoot perfectly!  I think I shoot better with a more open stance because of my glasses, so maybe something in the way you shoot clicks with the follow through helps.  It doesn't seem like you spend much time worrying about settling in to an anchor point, and that always messes me up unless I am shooting my recurve with a clicker (which is a totally different process, and I think it would be hard for me to get off a shot on a deer with that setup).  I think visualizing how the shot would fit into your hunting situations is important.  So far I haven't had any pose dramatically like an outdoor magazine cover...they seem to walk around a lot!

Offline Fox

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Re: its not that complicated
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2022, 02:17:51 pm »
Thanks for the tips Brad, I’m going out of his afternoon and I’ll let you know what happens.
Why must we make simple things so complicated?

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: its not that complicated
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2022, 08:42:11 pm »
timbo,, the glasses are an adjustment,,
with that bow I dont settle in that much, if Im shooting a longer bow,, I will hold a bit longer,,
my glasses make me raise my head a bit,, i dont like it,, but thats how it is,,i can shoot close range with out them,, and practice like that sometimes,,,
I do have an open stance, and like it,,for hunting especially,,
I think if you settle on what you gonna shoot and just be committed to that for the season that will help with your consistancy,,,work on fine tuning your shot,, after season,,
If I am shooting a longer draw for target accuracy,, its different,,Im hoping for 15 yards or less,, if you want me to hit a target at 50 yards,, I gonna use a longer bow and longer draw length,,and longer hold,,but mainly I try to do what is natural for me and that hits the target,,and then be consistant,,what works for me might not be good for you,,
   but I try to practice my hunting shot with one  bow,, I practice at 10 yards alot,, I feel like I dont need to blow a shot at close range cause I didnt practice it,, I have to add,, its easy to rush a close shot because it seems so easy,,, just take your time and shoot like you been shooting at the target,,,easier said than done,,
« Last Edit: November 12, 2022, 11:25:44 pm by bradsmith2010 »