ok Im going to start this to help some new guys improve their shooting,, Im not a great shot,,but ok if I practice every day,, oh yes thats part of it,,
some people thiink they can just figure it out in their head and then shoot well,, you cant,, you have to put in the work and practice,,,, and the progress is slow,, like a musical instrument,, you have to practice hours and hours to get good,, not just a few days or weeks,, but months or years,,,so dont get discourged if it dont happen like magic,,,
the main thing is to be consistant,, how ever you shoot,, your body will find a way if you just stay consistant,,
if you shoot alot of bows and try something different every time,, you will not get the results you want,,there are so many ways to shoot a bow,, Im not going to get into that,,
I will post how I practice for hunting shots as a start,, it may not work for you,,, everyone is different,, but any consistant routine of practice will help,, better than thinking about it,,
1. draw the arrow the same every time,, p ;Dut a piece of tape on the arrow and draw to that every time,, if you have an anchor or not,, ok you may get in a hunting situation where your body is turned and you cant draw the same ,,, thats ok all your practice will help make the shot,, keep practicing drawing the same,, this will help you be consistant in any situation,, ok thats all for today,, I need to think about this,,