Author Topic: Hunting spots!  (Read 4611 times)

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Offline Fox

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Hunting spots!
« on: December 05, 2021, 08:13:06 pm »
I haven't seen a deer while hunting since October.... this area of big hardwoods public land with no hunters is where ive hunted the past 2 years and haven't gotten anything. theres a good bit of fresh deer sign (scrapes fresh scat and tracks) but I've sat here for probably 6 or 7 times and a other places and still hunted some as well. I saw 3 deer in October, all outside of 30 yards and usually when I was still hunting. Im starting to loose patience with this area....

I recently found there is a large brush hogged field that is public land a few miles farther dow the road, today I went there and saw very little deer sign, just one scrape and a few tracks and a pile of scat... there is a different kind of forest next to this field, red cedars, pines, and black haws. There was a strong deer trail coming out of the thick red cedar forest. I didn't see any scat but defiantly a deep rutted trail. I believe this is a more commonly hunted area, but now that rifle season Is over here there likely wont be any hunters up there.

Anyway... sorry for the long boring story. should I keep putting in time in my old spot or take a chance somewhere that I don't see much fresh sign?   Im running out of season here and need some venison!
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Offline Fox

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2021, 08:17:41 pm »
Untitled by Livvydog, on Flickr

The field. The road is on the edge of the field and there heavy deer trails come out onto the road, I would assume to get to the field, theres also apple trees, but no apple on them anymore at the edge of the field.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2021, 10:26:52 am »
Other than sex this time of year deer are looking for food and shelter. If you can find those set up between them and try to catch the deer moving from bedding to food or vice versa.
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2021, 08:06:37 am »
This is a tough time of year for bow hunting, it is what we call around here the lull of December, the rut is winding down and the deer seem to go in a hole, the main thing they seem to do this time of year is feed and rest from all that was going on the last few weeks, so as Pat said any good feeding area is a good spot, the 2nd rut will pick up again in the middle of December for the doe that didn't get bred in Oct/Nov and will keep coming back until the bucks loose their horns, it won't be as lively as November but it will pick up a bit. Also the woods are really open now so you need to be very careful with any movement, they can see for miles in the woods now so move very slow or not at all, Not sure why your spot didn't pan out earlier but where their is sign their is deer. They tend to bed a lot this time of year or move just a small distance so as close to a good feeding area is best, watch the wind going in and try and ease in as quite as you can, late evening seems to be best for me also, as I said it is tough this time of year, I have been right where you are before this time of year, no tags filled but if you are careful and fine a good feeding area it is possible,just a little tougher. As Miss Joanie told me one year when I hadn't killed something early and was discouraged ,"They are out there and you ant going to kill one on the couch " so hang in there, the more time you spend in the woods the better you odds are going to be. Good Luck.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2021, 10:08:15 am »
Very true....Everything is hungrier the longer the winter sets in.Remember that.I've had my skunked years too.When it happens somehow all the patience used is forgotten about.
I get the same question from Robin every time I come back in the house."did you get any?"She loves deer meat as much as I do.
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Offline Fox

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2021, 11:52:27 am »
Thanks for the comments guys!.... I am not sure how to find food sources though, I know where most bedding areas are though. Food sources are difficult though, cause theres white Oakes all over the forest, and greenbrier, and lots of other small green shrubs and stuff, really everywhere. thats why I thought they would like the field cause its the only one around, but I guess they don't just eat grass? or not the stuff in the field maybe. Is there any other food sources deer really like? how would I know a hot food source? just tons of deer sign?
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2021, 03:17:06 pm »
They know when the weather gets tougher where they get the best food to get their BTU's from.In my area it's oaks,honey locust bean pods,corn,and beans.The acorn crop may have all been ate up already though.White oaks are some of the best.
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Offline Allyn T

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2021, 11:26:23 pm »
Deer are browsers they eat a wide variety of food. In winter they eat a lot of Woody browse such as budding limbs on trees and shrubs. If I was you I'd walk around either area and if you bump deer then you know where they are. Remember too just because you see a heavy trail doesn't mean they use it during the day, especially in an exposed area like a field.
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Offline Fox

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Re: Hunting spots!
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2021, 11:07:59 pm »
That's what I've been thinking about the spot I've been hunting early season this year. There is soooo much fresh deer sign every time I am there but I never see anything. its close to a trail and theres people around during the day, so that could be the reason, they are only moving at night. Maybe ill do some walking around new spot and see what I spook up
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