Author Topic: Flint and feathers 2008  (Read 24253 times)

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2008, 01:42:20 pm »
 I don't see your point about P.E.T.A. Hawk,those guys make no allowance for the killing of any game animal in any manner.I've had convo's with several members of that esteemed org. and I can tell you that they would certainly like to see you stop killing and eating animals they regard as thier brothers/Sisters/long lost aunt etc. Read their mission statement sometime.They are not your friend Hawk.They helped ban dog hunting cats and I hope one of those idiots get eaten by a mountain lion laying on his chase lounge in his back yard in some suburb of Los Angles I have tremendous respect for the environment and all the life contained within it,I live with one of the few apex predators that can get the best of even a well armed human and make meat out of him.So far we have'nt tangled and I hope we do not,but I don't worship the brown bear like a deity either,Every time I go out in the woods and streams and seashore,I am in his company(It is one of the appeals of living here) he is another creature out there making a living,mostly looking for something to eat.(Like me)Also,he makes great trails for walking on,from the sea to the alpine. I see the beauty and I respect the environment and do my little part to help keep it intact.I live in a native village on an island in southeast Alaska,here when the winter of "06/"07 took 90% of our deer,it was felt.In many households here,deer and seal is the only red meat eaten.To buy chicken in the store here in the village cost you four something a pound(Also pork) ground beef is four to five dollars a pound. Needless to say we eat alot of fish,crabs,clams and about anything else we can find edible.When the berry crop is poor up here,it is felt too.You pay two something a pound for a banana.I lived in eastern Washington for twenty two years and hunted and fished practically every month of that time.It was a good training to prepare me to live here. I live not close to this land here,but in it.I am a citizen of this habitat. I take seriously the threat the anti-hunters pose to your "Sport" But i know them for the mis-guided humans they are also.They do not live in the habitats they scream about,the more honest and adventurous step in look around(Most never leave the city) and then step out.They don't contribute to D.U. or R.M.E.F. or any org. that restores or enhances the environment,they send thier money to orgs. like P.E.T.A. I personally do not know anyone I call "Friend" that is a Anti-hunter.I do not have time for that B.S. I do know alot of people who do thier hunting in the meat isle in safeways though.
Your preaching to the choir on this site Hawk.   Frank    (P.S. that medicine arrow is a fine looking arrow.(I believe in "Medicine" also)
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2008, 04:54:23 pm »
I am not preaching , only felt you were slamming me for my winged warriors comment.. got my dander up.. I never said I was a friend of the Peta movement.. only that I believe the wrong message about who we are as hunters gets sent through our actions as well as words.. what i said was..  " I have several friends who are anti hunters.. they respect me and my way of hunting because they see that we share the same respect for the land and wild creatures who share it with us"..I do not wish to have a lengthly discussion about my way of speaking about the wildlife I hunt on a thread I started... Sorry that you and i got caught up in the moment,  this type of division of our forces over petty things is exactly why the radical animal rights factions are winning the war against us on nearly every front...keep your chin to the wind brother and be safe.. Hawk.. a/ho 

Mike "Hawk" Huston

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2008, 06:26:20 pm »
a good arguement that was settled easily, good to see people can agree and disagree on a certain subject and not feel mad towards each other. im with both fish and hawk, i call the animals brothers because i find great respect for them, i want to follow indian ways too, also, yes, im a hunter, i kill, but i do it out of great respect and knowing too that i am putting the meat that sustains our family on the table, the way my great grandmothers brothers and fathers did....
Modern Day Tramp

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2008, 10:13:35 pm »
 No insult intended Hawk,I usually confine these discussions to sitting around the campfire sipping a sundowner.I was neck deep in the struggle to keep hound hunting from being banned in washington state,we lost that one to the urbanites,It is not their fault,they are just so disconnected from the land that they don't know any better.I don't have a high regard for the organizations that take advantage of those peoples ignorance.  I raised two sons and three daughters in the outdoors,one just got back from Bagdad last fall and the other's wife is expecting the 1st baby,he spent two years in Managua,Nicaragua and came home in fall Of "06. Both these boys are probably alive largely from the fact they were outdoorsmen.Our youngsters today need to spend more time around campfires.Our young warriors are running around without strong role models to look up to and learn the good ways.They spend too much time with the T.V. learning what a person is supposed to look and act like,not enough time on the land. I see that you are doing good with your youngster,keep him in the company of the outdoors and he will do well.I really love seeing young folks like Huntertrapper and Andrea S. on this forum,I wish we had a hundred like them on here to keep us company. We have to go out of our way and make the effort to embrace our young people and show them natural wonder and the connection that exist between all things and this earth,it's the only way that they will understand the great circle. As I said before,I live in a native village and it is heartbreaking to see the young people here trying to act like the people who you see on MTV,every other kid walking down the street has a cell phone jammed in their ear.I seen about 3 or 4 kids last summer walking around with a fishing poles in their hand.We live on the shore of the ocean here,the grocery store and hardware store are built on pilings over the water. If you see a kid out there trying to hunt and he isn't going at it just right,invite them to hunt with you and show them the good way. Sorry to be so long winded here,I will finally get back out on the water in the boat this weekend after a very long winter.Keep your nose in the wind.  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2008, 11:12:19 pm »
thanks fish, theres more than just me and andrea, theres sean and david and some other youngsters... but you said that true... ive found ive been changing a bit to blend in with kids around... i mean as far as clothing and how i act around people, but something that will never change is my hunting and love of nature and things of the sort. i have no friends that hunt the old way or really rspect nature... they just hunt to as hawk said kill and say look i got a deer, its totally different for me and you all know that by now. a good discussion this was, my best regards...
Modern Day Tramp

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2008, 11:18:02 pm »
Glad your warriors made it home, and tell them THANK YOU! for me... for their sacrifices and their courage in the face of the enemys of our great nation.. I am forever a patriot and honor all our heroes for all they do so we can live free.... Hawk a/ho

Mike "Hawk" Huston

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #51 on: May 02, 2008, 01:36:08 pm »
  Huntertrapper,I have'nt picked up on everyone's age's yet but will as time goes on,I am happy you guys and gal's are here and on this path.
Hawk,The oldest son is still in active service,he's the medic in his stryker group and is at fort lewis right now,he could be re-deployed with-in the next year or not.I will give him your message.  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #52 on: May 02, 2008, 02:06:18 pm »
hey fish same for me, tell him... thanks.
Modern Day Tramp

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2008, 04:35:42 am »
 Huntertrapper,Will do.  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington