Author Topic: Flint and feathers 2008  (Read 24245 times)

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Ranger B

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2008, 11:01:26 pm »
Great story and nice bird.


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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2008, 01:18:06 am »
Nice bird!  I like your plains style quiver with the bow.  The day after we let the last kitty we treed go this year I thought of making a plains style quiver like that with a lion skin.  Unfortunately, we didn't tree another one this year.  Gives me something to look forward to next year. ;)

Walt Francis

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2008, 11:47:58 am »
thanks brother, if you decide to build one let me know, i will give you the pattern I have , was a hundred and thirty pound female I took with a pistol. just enough hide to build everything .... did you get your claws back yet ? Hawk a/ho

Mike "Hawk" Huston


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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2008, 02:14:16 pm »
Thanks for the offer on the plans, I will contact you the next time I get one.  I got the mount and claws back on Monday but my wife quickly laid claim to both when I brought them home. ::)  After the newness wears off I think she will let me have a few of the claw and I will get them to you.

Walt Francis 


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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2008, 11:51:38 pm »
Great shot!  Taking your son out on these hunts will make memories to last for lifetime Tomorrow im taking my little brother hunting with me, whether or not we make a kill,  itll be a lot of fun.  Good job.

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2008, 01:43:56 am »
Kdub, hope your little brother gets tha chance to make meat and feathers.. good luck .. Hawk a/ho

Mike "Hawk" Huston

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2008, 11:42:51 pm »
dude, it took me eight shots to kill one of those stinkin birds with a rifle, (not my best shooting of cource, almost dark and on foot litterally chaseing it through underbrush ::)) it takes conciderable skill to kill one with a bow. nice work friend.
lets just shoot it

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2008, 12:35:21 pm »
Shooter....That "stinking bird" was a beautifull and proud warrior of the forest... I hope you will reconsider your words regarding the majestic wild turkey, I am an advocate of hunting with honor and respect. I know you are young and probably meant no disrespect towards the animal or the spirit of the hunt, but still your words bothered me.. As far as shooting eight times at any of the creatures on this great earth,in my opinion you owe it to your intended prey to practice continually and only take shots which are within your effective range... I imagine some animal rights activist standing in the forest and watching you chase the bird down blasting away like a madman. you dishonor yourself , the turkey and all of us as hunters and brothers of the bow with actions like that. I have done stupid things in my youth while hunting , fortunately my mentors, taught me the error of my ways and I was able to learn to enter into the wild lands with honor and respect.. I do not write these words to you to didrespect or dishonor you. I write them in the hope that you will see there is a better way, and will hopefully walk the good road while in pursuit of your prey.. Hawk a/ho

Mike "Hawk" Huston

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2008, 06:26:04 pm »
well put mr. huston, if i was someday attacked by a bear and badly beaten i could still not disrespect it, would i probably after i healed hunt it, yeah i think that would be big medicine, but i never will ever disrespect animals, i think shooter meant stinkin animal as in cunning or smart and hard to get....
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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2008, 10:24:39 pm »
i must say that i totally agree with hawk on this.

one should always use patience and respect when hunting any critter,and always show all of them respect in the hunt even if it means not taking a shot. not taking a shot at times,when all you have is a bad shot available,can prove that you are great hunter instead of taking many shots and looking foolish( no disrespect intended ).
a clean ethical kill or miss always feels better than taking lots of shots,wounding a critter and still having it get away.

patience is a virtue,this is especially true when hunting.

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2008, 11:14:05 pm »
Yeah I sure agree...I would never put myself in a Position where I would accept a Poor Shot on any Animal...I would rather do without.....than to wound an Animal...I have heard the Cries of Deer and Hare....and Antelope when they are hit poorly.....Make Me sick inside....But I think if we are going to Hammer Ole R.S. for shooting 8 times at the as He put it ...Stinking Bird....then the Gentleman that shot a Half dozen times at a poor Cottontail should be reprimanded too...and all I heard on that Post was ....Atta Boys...aint fair to Spoil one and Punish the Other.........JMO......Yankee

P,S.....don't take this as I Condone what He did by any means....I wholeheartedly agree with the HAWK....just think if it's good for goes for all.........
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline hawkbow

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2008, 11:27:38 pm »
El Destructo... I normally agree with you an most matters ;D We share the same beliefs and hunting ethics.. But shooting at a cottontail with a bow is far from the same thing as blasting at a winged warrior with a gun.. I have shot hundreds of cottontail with a bow and can say that for every one I hit I miss many more.. I shoot 150 arrows every day and stay on top of my game in the shooting department..However cottontails have a way of dodging even the best of arrows and often require several shots in order to make a harvest..because of their size and agility.. Whereas a turkey rarely (in my limited knowlege) requires or offers a second chance with a bow... You have killed  far more turkeys than I so I will not begin to think I could understand them as well as you. just my opinion brother.. Hawk a/ho     

Mike "Hawk" Huston

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2008, 01:52:17 am »
I shoot my Bows Daily also....and I would never go out on a Hunt with out being Proficient with the Bow that I was taking.... I understand that little Fuzzy Bunnies are hard little Targets....but R.S was shooting his"Rifle" and missing the Old Warrior of the Land.....but the Kid shooting the Rabbit was wounding ...and then wounding again and me there would be no Pride in this Hunt ....only Shame....and if I was to go Home and Tell that Story to my Father...He would have put the Bow to my Backside for making one of Gods Creations .....suffer like it did.....One Shot ...One Kill....if there is a Doubt in Your don't take the Shot.this is How I was raised.....You thank God and thank you Quarry for the Privilege of hunting it and making a Meal and tools from Show it Honor.............I have not one Trophy on My Walls....I was not brought up that way.... My Trophy's lie in all of my Days and Nights spent walking with Nature and coexisting with it....not hanging it from My Walls and Flaunting it....I feel Shame and remorse when I hear People Bragging about their Hunts...and the Animals that they Shot and Crippled....and some that were never recovered...because it was too cold or too late....this is is never too late or too bad of Weather to try your best to recover what you messed up in the first place...........Man ....I need a Prozac...............I am sorry I got off on a Rant here....but Abuse of Nature....really get to me..


                                                                        Michael "Yankee" Roberts
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2008, 02:25:58 am »
 One guy's "warrior of the forest" is another guy's "turkey" I eat alot of clams up here and also crabs.I guess I could start calling them warriors of the beach gravel and warriors of the ocean bottom.  We got an organization up here called P.E.T.A. (People eat tasty animals) I respect my fellow creatures as well,but I don't bond with them before I kill and eat them.Yeah,kinda cold and unfeeling I know, but I ain't too sophisticated. Definitely not a poet of the great outdoors.Just a hunter. Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

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Re: Flint and feathers 2008
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2008, 12:33:38 pm »
Without respect for your prey you are not a hunter only a killer, we all choose our path, the one we choose to walk defines who we are in our indeavors, I choose to hunt with respect , honor and integrity, and refuse to budge from that path.. I am so tired of hearing about the so called hunters out there who enter into the wild places with the attitude, kill, kill, kill.. and will do anything to achieve their goal of a harvest, forgetting about the rules of fair chase and more important not thinking about their impact on all of us and our sport.. I have several friends who are anti hunters.. they respect me and my way of hunting because they see that we share the same respect for the land and wild creatures who share it with us. They all say the same thing, they do not dislike or hate the hunter or the hunt only the disrespect and carnage portrayed by so many of the killers who are hunting to feed their egos. Frank i am sure you are correct about ... One guy's "warrior of the forest" is another guy's "turkey"....I agree, but we all have a responsability to respect the hunt as well as respect the animals we hunt through our deeds.. your P.E.T.A. statement is a prime example of the reason we are constantly under attack as hunters by the real peta and other animal rights activists. Disrespect! I like to eat what i shoot and am aware of the culinary delights associated with wild game meat. my opinion is just that .. my personal opinion, but I feel a need to make a stand concerning this issue and refuse to move from my position as an archer, hunter and outdoor enthusiast.. Hawk a/ho   

Mike "Hawk" Huston