Adam Karpowicz's paper "Ottoman bows – an assessment of draw weight, performance and tactical use" includes a formula for approximating the draw weight of a bow based onthe limb dimensions, length and draw weight, and I've recently put together a spreadsheet estimating the draw weights of most of the Mary Rose bows using the data published in Weapons of Warre, which fit reasonably well with the graph based on the calculations using Kooi's computer program. However, this is an imperfect process*, since I only had two reliable examples that had all the data and the original calculations were based on the properties of Pacific, rather than European, Yew.
So, I was wondering, are there any bowyers who would be willing to provide information on bows they've made to produce a more accurate estimate of the range of draw weights for the Mary Rose bows? I need the width and thickness of the center of the bows, plus the length of the bow and the draw weight @ 30" (as per Weapons of Warre). Ideally it would be great to get around 5 examples each for <40 RPI, 40-60 RPI and >60 RPI so I can get a more accurate estimate for each category, but even 5 examples total would be extremely helpful.
If you have any information on bows with reasonably high draw weights (>70lbs) at 28", that would also be handy, as I'm also doing the same process for the Iron Age Germanic bows I have data on, but only have information on replicas made with Pacific Yew. The 28" is important, since the most powerful bows are, without exception, less than 67" NTN and more generally under 65" NTN.
*The whole process is imperfect, since only a full scale simulation such as Kooi's will produce even anything even remotely close to "accurate" and there will always be major variations due to the nature of the wood and the way the bowyer works, but the goal here is to be as least imperfect as possible and come up with ballpark figures.