Greetings of the summer season! Depending on where you are

! We are in for a cool, wet weekend, then 80+ next week! The mountains could get 3-4" snow possibly down to 9,000'! Got the garden planted, everything seems to be doing well. Had over a 1/2" of rain earlier in the week, so that helps a bunch, except that I have to mow the grass now! Getting ready to teach a basic archery class for youth and flying blind, have to develop my lesson outline, and plans. Safety first, of course, then basic info, like draw length, strong eye, draw weight, range rules, etc. and get everything ready to head to MoJam, 0 early 30, on the 17th after my class Tuesday evening! I sort of plan to use the Scout Archery Merit Badge book as my outline, as it is very basic, and geared to the age group I'll be working with. Got the new book, I should dig out my old book and compare the info from 60 years ago to the current info. Any way, I hope your summer is a good one, the crops and the garden do well, and the grass doesn't grow too fast! Have a good summer!