Author Topic: I'd like to trade for a bow  (Read 3802 times)

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Offline PaulLovesJamie

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I'd like to trade for a bow
« on: October 10, 2018, 04:33:33 pm »
It pains me to do this, but I have to ask:  I'd like to trade for a bow.

I've lurked here for years, but I dont post because, well, I'm just not a chatty person. Plus I dont really have much to contribute. I do like to see what you're building and learn though, so I read and keep quiet.

I've done almost all of my hunting with my flintlock (70's CVA kit) or my early 70's bear grizzly recurve.  After I found primitive archer a few years ago I made several selfbows, harvested a few deer here in SE PA with them before they broke.  I've accepted that I'm just not good at it... but you guys are, so rather than buy one I'd prefer to trade for a handcrafted bow.
 I will make a couple more (well, try anyway) for use at home, but I'm planning an elk hunt in Montana with my sons, so I want/need reliable.
It will be 2 or 3 or 4 years until we draw, so that give me plenty of time to harvest a few deer with it and be completely comfortable before I take it on a trip.

If I'm asking too much, please just let me know.
FYI I'll ship first.

The ideal bow for me - although I am open to almost anything:
-  Longbow. 
-  Reliable & durable to last me until I cant draw anymore (hopefully 15-20 more years!)
-  I'm 6', 215 lbs, right handed, 29" draw length but I sometimes overdraw to 30 when I get excited.
-  After 45 years of shooting a recurve, I think I need to stick to a shelf (at least a small one) and a little more center shot.
-  My recurve is 50 lbs @ 28", I' like to stay around 50-55#
-  Of course, smooth with no stacking and no hand shock  :)
-  A little bit of reflex/deflex would be nice for the speed gain (elk with 50-55#, I want all the extra performance I can get.)
-  Not particular on length, but I do shoot from one knee often so 64 to 68 is probably best?
-  I've always been a fan of heavy arrows, I generally shoot 450-500 grains. (Not sure if that matters to the bow design).
-  Design & styling: I tend to like simple.  Natural wood, maybe a little stain, beeswax, leather, etc. Glare drives me nuts.
-  All of my preferences are wide open to offers and suggestions.

I should know better.

Offline PaulLovesJamie

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Re: I'd like to trade for a bow
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 04:35:20 pm »
What do I have for trade?  Here's a list of possibilities:

-  2 moose antlers, small.
-  assorted caribou antlers
-  wool zipper sweater/jacket, size L, very warm, very nice. Doesnt fit any of us anymore.
-  Woodcock print, ducks unlimited auction (not framed)
-  Moose painting, oil, nra auction (framed)
-  wool pants, old army surplus.  Size L
-  Meat grinder, manual hand crank
-  Some whitetail antlers that I kept, nothing real big.

- a couple boxes of 10 ga turkey shells (sold the gun); mix of 2's, 4's, BB. (all 3-1/2" shells??)
- a couple boxes of 410 ga shells (sold the gun)
- a couple boxes of 7mm (sold the gun)
- I know this sounds funny, but if you need chicken poop for fertilizer I can cram quite a bit into a box :)
- I have a box and a half of TC 54 cal muzzleloader maxi's
- I have 4 boxes of Lyman Shockers, 54 cal muzzleloader maxi's, 445 grain
- Acer aspire laptop, windows 8, 11" screen, V5-122P-0408
- Cherry burl (still growing), approx 10" diameter, approx 14-16" long
- cabelas thinsulate long underwear. Very warm but nylon exterior so slightly noisy if you are a walker.

I'll go thru some boxes & see what else I can come up with.

If there is any interest at all in what I have to trade, I'll post pics & descriptions.

... editing to add items as I think of them
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 01:51:51 pm by PaulLovesJamie »
I should know better.

Offline PaulLovesJamie

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Re: I'd like to trade for a bow
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2018, 01:06:22 pm »
well I suspected I was asking for alot, no worries. Thanks to those who looked and considered.

I will add a bunch more stuff I found to trade in case that piques any interest - its all going on that auction site to clear it out, so although I'm needing a bow I'll trade most of it for just about anything that is already finished -- I am really bad at making stuff, so materials are not so useful to me.
I should know better.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: I'd like to trade for a bow
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2018, 10:27:33 pm »
Like Jawge says, "If you ain't breakin', you ain't makin" :BB!  If at first you don't succeed, keep trying, sooner or later, you will Get one that doesn't break!  Try hickory!  Of course, there may be some urgency involved, but you apparently have had some skill at bow making.  Now, I claim the title of "oldest newbie" on the site, since I am still putting the finishing touches on my first bow at 79, so I think you got a few more tries at it.  Sounds like you are doing things the right way, getting it to come together is the challenge!  Keep trying, and good luck!
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!