It was a hard struggle to tiller this bow, lot of reflex and a good load of curves. The reflex is not spread along the limbs, but comes from kinks in the fades and the limbs are more or less straight. The kinks in lower and upper limb hadn't the same amount, so one was heated out a bit the other heated in a bit to get them better matching. The snaky wiggles caused optical illusions, the crown on the back is not homogenous and sometimes the peak isn't in the middle of the limb and last but not least the rings have changing width causing wrong tapering out on the belly upper limb.
But finally got here done, made middle ridges at the fades, mild HLD at the middle portion and tapers into triangular shaped outers. This bow is asymmetrical and has high positive tiller (still different angles at fades). She got nice nearly transparent cow horn at the tips and arrow pass inlay. The handle is a bit unusual, but there wasn't more wood to play with. First thought was to glue on a piece, but after shooting a while I found the handle comfortable and now it is what it is.
After all she was in the fuming pipe for 6 days, and then white earth pigments are rubbed in.
ntn: 60
max w: 40mm
mass: 514 grams
08: 08,5
10: 15,9 (+ 7,4)
12: 21,3 (+ 5,4)
14: 26,8 (+ 5,5)
16: 31,6 (+ 4,8)
18: 36,4 (+ 4,8)
20: 41,2 (+ 4,8)
22: 46,0 (+ 4,8)
24: 50,9 (+ 4,9)
26: 56,2 (+ 5,3)
28: 61,8 (+ 5,6)
This pic shows the rubbing in of white earth pigments with a solution of different oils.