Nice job on a Very Challenging stave Simson. I've got one at brace that doesn't have as much snake side to side but that same wonky uneven reflex in the fades. Really messing with my head. I'll get back to it come winter, but I'm sure it'll never look that nice. Once again, very impressive and inspirational. Might be just the kick in the butt I need to finish my challenge bow.
Yep, come on we're waiting for your challenge stick

Well done my friend. 
What are you using for finish? It really allows the natural beauty of the grain to come through.
Jeff, I'm using a home brewed solution of beeeswax, dammar, turpentine, karnauba wax,and some other ingredients.
When I do the next mixing I will write down the recipe.
Very cool, "chocolate looking" bow! Where do you get osages in Germany, Simon?
States and Hungary
All others:
Thank you very much guys!