Thank you for all the information, this is really interesting subject!
Alan - what do you mean saying "these have shot so well out of a such a large variety of bows". So, what kind of bows? Which poundage and draw length?
And why do you believe, your heat treated spruce arrows would shine without rehydration - because of lower mass or higher spine or some other reason?
Third question - why those two arrows are so special? Have you compared them to similar arrows, which are not so good? Is there any kind of measurable difference? You have made a lot of split cane arrows but what makes some of them special? Spine, weight, diameter, balance point, some parameter we don't know yet?
I am going to make some new flight arrows. My last batch was not so good... I have some POC shafts, 5/16", 63# and 400 grains (full length). I will get also some spruce shafts, which will be 5/16" and over 60#. Should be good raw material.