My Take on this design.
I think most today,that put performance numbers as a first criteria,have a hard time,understanding the benefits of this design,that would have been beneficial to those that utilized it under the conditions that they required.
While they were used from the ground as well,it was primarily designed for a mounted archery bow.The ease of brace would be a bonus in a n impromptu situation.The early softer draw would also be easier to manage,from the back of a running horse,over uneven terrain and still maintain a proper grip,shaft control and ease of partial draw,at the ready for a quick snap shot,when it presented itself.With the augmented pinch style that many used to grip the string and nock and the draw style used with this style of bow,it resulted in softer early draw that gained as it was drawn and often resulted in stack,toward the rear of the draw,with the result being the release being ripped from the fingers at a pre designed draw length.Think about the benefit of easy partial draw and only having to hold high draw weight,for a small percentage of the late draw,in a fast moving,high stress quick action shot with a small window of opportunity a hunting and mounted warfare situation,would often present.If there wast benefit to the design,i wouldnt think that so many people from such a broad range of territory,would have utilized it to feed and protect their people,when other designs could have just as easily been made.