Here's what it says in TBB 1...
"The deflex-recurve, is probably the most efficient design for a woodbased
bow. Because of its deflex little of its ability to do work is used up bracing
the bow. Since little before-the-draw work is being done by the limbs, more
during-the-draw work can be done.
Being under little strain when braced, a deflex design would normally have
very low early-draw weight. This is overcome by using thicker, harder to bend
limbs. Such thick limbs would normally result in intolerably heavy draw weight
later in the draw, but after string lift-off this design's levers keep full-draw
weight down. Such a thick limb would normally be overstrained when fully
drawn, but these limbs do little work being braced, making this unused capacity
available during the draw."