Hi guys, i just baught an osage stave from ebay, and today it came with the post, and i have to say, im a lilte dissapointed..it has incredibile thinn rings..somewhere in the midle they are so thinn that you can barely noticed animoore wich is what...i have all most no experience with Osage..just made a bow from Osage one week ago, and this would be the second Bow, that im working at..is there any chance, that a bow would come out in one piece out of something like that?

There is one ring there, that looks a little thicker..its exactly 1millimeter thick or 0,39'' thick, and its all most the last saapwood ring..after him, there are two moore saapwod rings, but they are just pensil line thinn, and thenn commes the first hard wood ring wich is like 0.8mm...under 1mm thinn. In the picture where i hold the stave in an angle, you can see it better where the saapwood stops, etc. What would u advise me to do? I dont really want to back it..if i can get a clean ring on the back, is it safe, to make a bow out of something like that?
Thank you in advance..best regards, Ciprian.
PS...i forgot to say..the stave was quite long so i'v cut a piece, and put in water to see how heavy she is..the piecce of wood is 9,5cm long, and only 1cm, was out from the water.