Hi all, i finaly managed to finish the bow today..it was realy a long journey with this one.....i had to adapt along the way and to either accept having a decent bow, or having nothing. With one limb i had alot of dificulties..somehow the grain is weacker, and becose of those long craks that i had to eliminate, the width of the limb was not suficient for such a poor ratio betwen the early and the late wood, and it took some set..i dont remeber exactly how much reflexx the stave had at the beggining...it was aniway quite alot..maybe 4'' or so, and now what is left is somewhere arround 2''. It was also quite dificult to have the string run in the midle of the handle..its not perfect on the midle, but for a right handed shooter, its just perfect..im a lefty, and for me the string is a little bit to much to the left..aniway, the gripp is quite narrow, and whenn im shooting corectly, the bow shoots realy clean. If im doing funny things, the bow shows me imediatly. The limmbs have also a funy shape...you will see this in the pictures. The numers are..
65'' long NTN.
37-38lbs @28''.
Total mass...1,25 pound.
It is havyer as the first Osage bow that i'v posted here a couple of weeks ago..that one was a little under 1pound.
Finish with wax..
Buffalo Horn Overlays.

The full draw picture looks a bit funny..the bow dosent sit to wel on that tiller tree, becose of the shape of the handle. In the hand it looks better i think..or at least this is how it seams in the mirror

What can i say, at the end of this, is that, a stave with thinn rings, will definitely make a beautiful gripp

)..the feathering, is just beautiful in the handle. The Bow needs to be designed a little bit longer, and wider..not to much, but a little bit for sure. I think i was really on the edge with 65'' NTN.
I'm curiose what the time will tell aboute this bow..we will see..today, i'v managed to shoot 120 arrows, and we will see. I dont know, if i got lucky with this one, but it worked without having the bow backed with rawhide, or something similar..i honestly have no ideea. Time will tell i quess.
THank you for helping me along my way, and i hope you will enjoy the pict.
Best regards, Ciprian.