Twins, Osage and Yew flatbows both 68” and 57# @ 30”
I had a request to make two bows, one yew and one of osage, both in a similar longbow design. The goal was to get them both in the 55-60# range @ 30” in a 68” package. The nature of this task challenged me as a bowyer, but I feel like I hit the mark. Both are in a pyramid limb flatbow design with a little overall reflex and flip of the tips. Of course, the osage held all of the flip, while the yew pulled out a little. This is a design that I really like for a hunting bow.
Both shoot very nicely. I have a hard time drawing to a full thirty inches, I am almost to 29” on the full draw pics. I also made up 2 dozen douglas-fir arrows to go with the bows (65-70# spine, 31” BOP), which fly very cleanly out of both bows.
The pin nocks are tiny. The handle is rawhide lace, bordered by a silk thread wrap. Finished with my own version of a French polish.

Ishi Style arrows by my friend Shawn Woods. Ocean spray shafts with mahogany foreshafts. Flint and agate tips.
