Thanks for the compliment on the forgings. Been at it for better part of 20 years with new stuff to learn every day.
I do have a crossbow that I plan on making my own bolts for. Standard recurve probably form the 60's or 70's bought it used.
I have a big fat pile of aluminum bolts for it.
I'm located in Scranton Pa. North America. Added it to my profile but it's not showing up next to my name.
I'm planning on forging out some more tips tomorrow today was spent working on a tool production for a viking axe that is forged a certain way. I also made a 5 degree 1/2 inch steel dowel today for thee bodkins. I'm hoping tomorrow to forge out 9 or ten flattened cones and trace them out until I get one that will be consistent with what I need when I scarf and wrap the cone.
That way I have a know dimension of the size "fish tail" I have to flatten before I wrap the cone.
Then a length gauge so I know how long they need to be for the hot cut.
And yes I will harden the the 1st 1/2 or 3/4 of the tip back to the shoulder.
What I have found so far is about 200 Grn. weight and 1 1/2 long for a standard square point bodkin.
and 1 1/4 inches for the long ones. these are for the 1/2 inch shafts.
I'm not finding much on the way of the type 16 for shaft diameter or length on museum sites though.
thanks for the weight on the type 16 that's a big help and one less thing to hunt out.
Could you give me length and width ( bottom where the cutting fins flare out at the cone)
And what is the shaft diameter? 3/8 1/2 inch?
I'm not see anything on the so called rope cuter that appears to be more of a soft target game arrow.
or the firebasket arrow heads either.