Now that the rain let off some here are some pics from today.
Yesterday I got a real long package from Pappy and the Twin Oaks gang. It took about 2 seconds to get open, not that I was excited mind, and out slides this magnificent proper English Yew long bow made by a proper Englishman.
72", English yew, finely sewed leather grip and pearl arrow strike, very finely crafted horn tips with single side knocks, opposing. Execution of the entire bow is absolutely top flight. I got her strung and slipped out between the rain clouds and put a couple arrows through what a sweet pea!!!! Draws smooth as silk, arrows hit like a hammer, and it shoots dead on point of aim at 20 yards, with my hunting weight arrows.
There's a picture of Dells bow next to one of mine, no difference there, right? I also made a stringer as my 66" reach was a smidge short for the 72" bow

I will get some high rez pics of the bow's knocks and strike plate and add those here later. Had to whistle "I'm a lucky dog" all the way around the yard, hell everybody thinks I'm nuts anyway

Mr. Dell the Cat, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, same to Pappy and the Twin Oaks bunch for gettin her in one piece and for the fine example of English Bowyery. Believe that the local deer population is gonna have a wanted poster out for ole Dell

Thank you Sir!!!!