Author Topic: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?  (Read 63457 times)

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Offline Del the cat

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #75 on: November 22, 2013, 08:09:05 am »
They all seem to do this, get to full draw, dip down and then come up to 45(ish) degrees...
In one slo mo vid, I could see the dip down was the bow arm rather than torso lowering to help the last few inches of draw and bringing it down to the chest level...
Can't see why he dips in this vid... he looks comfortable enough.
Any one know what the dip is all about?
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Offline Atlatlista

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #76 on: November 22, 2013, 11:03:01 am »
I'm sure everybody's already seen this, but hopefully it adds something to the discussion.

If you consider that archers would have been trained from a fairly young age if they lived in a location/era where warfare could be won with a bow, I don't think it's at all unreasonable that 200lbs was an achievable, and possibly average draw weight.  Here's "that" now famous video of Joe Gibbs (age 28) shooting six heavy arrows pretty damn easily from a 170lb warbow.  Bear in mind Joe hasn't been shooting a particularly long time (11 years I think he said) and certainly hasn't been pushed into training for warfare which would probably give you a kick up the arse to use heavier bows, so if he can achieve this then I think 240lbs for a trained, hardened warrior isn't at all crazy.

Mark Stretton of course has successfully shot 3 arrows in succession from a 202lb warbow, so adding 38lbs with years and years of training plus the pressure of warfare and it all seems pretty logical.  I know nobody's really disputing that it's true, but it does put the idea of a 36lb "warbow" into perspective - that just doesn't make any sense!

Shooting 3 arrows from a "warbow" doesn't make any sense either.  If that's the best you can do, then you're going to be very dead, and your corpse is going to have a very full quiver when all is said and done.  And again, the idea that 200 pounds might have been "average" is pure speculation.  None of the available evidence suggests this.  We have hundreds of bows, and the high end is 130 pounds of draw weight, with the low end being around 90.  How in the world can you reason from that evidence that the average was 200 pounds?

In addition, I think the notion of training from a young age is overblown.  Men like Mark Stretton who have been training for years, very hard, in a modern society, with the benefit of a modern diet and modern medicine and modern levels of leisure time, probably have achieved all that our medieval ancestors did, and possibly more.  Archers were required by law to practice once per week.  How many people on this forum practice a hell of a lot more than that?  Granted, it's possible medieval archers practiced more as well, but they didn't have the kind of leisure time that we do in the modern western world, so I find it unlucky that they could have crammed as much training into a year as we can.
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Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #77 on: November 22, 2013, 12:18:36 pm »
I'm sure everybody's already seen this, but hopefully it adds something to the discussion.

If you consider that archers would have been trained from a fairly young age if they lived in a location/era where warfare could be won with a bow, I don't think it's at all unreasonable that 200lbs was an achievable, and possibly average draw weight.  Here's "that" now famous video of Joe Gibbs (age 28) shooting six heavy arrows pretty damn easily from a 170lb warbow.  Bear in mind Joe hasn't been shooting a particularly long time (11 years I think he said) and certainly hasn't been pushed into training for warfare which would probably give you a kick up the arse to use heavier bows, so if he can achieve this then I think 240lbs for a trained, hardened warrior isn't at all crazy.

Mark Stretton of course has successfully shot 3 arrows in succession from a 202lb warbow, so adding 38lbs with years and years of training plus the pressure of warfare and it all seems pretty logical.  I know nobody's really disputing that it's true, but it does put the idea of a 36lb "warbow" into perspective - that just doesn't make any sense!

Shooting 3 arrows from a "warbow" doesn't make any sense either.  If that's the best you can do, then you're going to be very dead, and your corpse is going to have a very full quiver when all is said and done.  And again, the idea that 200 pounds might have been "average" is pure speculation.  None of the available evidence suggests this.  We have hundreds of bows, and the high end is 130 pounds of draw weight, with the low end being around 90.  How in the world can you reason from that evidence that the average was 200 pounds?

In addition, I think the notion of training from a young age is overblown.  Men like Mark Stretton who have been training for years, very hard, in a modern society, with the benefit of a modern diet and modern medicine and modern levels of leisure time, probably have achieved all that our medieval ancestors did, and possibly more.  Archers were required by law to practice once per week.  How many people on this forum practice a hell of a lot more than that?  Granted, it's possible medieval archers practiced more as well, but they didn't have the kind of leisure time that we do in the modern western world, so I find it unlucky that they could have crammed as much training into a year as we can.

Just to be clear, I didn't mean (or say) that 200lb WAS average, I said it wasn't unreasonable that 200lb was POSSIBLY an average draw weight.  Possibly.  Because I don't know, despite the fact that we have young guys over here drawing 170lb with ease, despite never having military-intensive training routines or the pressure of survival.  So it's a good POSSIBILITY.

Mark hasn't been training since he was 7, which is more or less the accepted and recorded (I believe?) age that English archers started.  Whether that's right or wrong I don't know, but he was approached by Pip Bickerstaffe purely because he was already built more or less the way Pip believed medieval archers to have been built, and that's what got him started.  He can now shoot 190lb bows all day, so 200lbs for an archer training since childhood is pretty obviously achievable.  And if it's achievable, why wouldn't it be done?    Yeah, you can use the modern medicine, modern diet argument for sure, but to counter it I would say we are as a generation MUCH softer than the medieval period - we don't HAVE to train to fight with a bow, whereas they did. 

As always, it's all speculation.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be a discussion in the first place.  The fact that guys like Joe and Mark can shoot what is essentially 200lbs constantly for a period of time proves that it can be done (which I know isn't being argued) so my point is - if us soft modern generation can do it without the pressure of survival, does it really make sense for somebody in a time of warfare where a bow can decide if you live or die choose to shoot a 36lb bow in the first place?

Also, as a sidenote, can you actually call a 36lb bow a "warbow" anyway?  If you can, why then isn't every bow ever made a warbow?  Where does the definition "warbow" come into play? 

Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #78 on: November 22, 2013, 12:20:00 pm »
We have hundreds of bows, and the high end is 130 pounds of draw weight, with the low end being around 90.

Which bows does this statement refer to?  I ask because all the replicas of the Mary Rose bows using identical timber from the same part of the world and made to exact dimensions have come out between 150 and 200lbs.

Offline Benjamin H. Abbott

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #79 on: November 22, 2013, 07:14:33 pm »
To be fair, I like Adam Karpowicz's work, but on several threads he has shown a consistent bias towards higher bow weights in his calculations from the actual result on bows where dimensions and known draw weight are available.  I think there is a certain bias in the warbow community towards trumpeting the heaviest possible draw weights and the heaviest possible interpretations of bows.  This may be a justifiable reaction to previous theories (and some extant theories) that heavy bows didn't exist, but it has its own problems.  In addition, the sample size of known warbows from periods for which they were actually used is ludicrously small. 

The textual evidence is valuable, but I just quoted a source that says 36 pounds as a minimum and you refuse to believe it, but I'm expected to take at face value your quotations of much heavier draw weights as "overwhelming evidence."

Asking for a source isn't refusing to believe. I'm actually familiar with the 36lb figure; I wanted to know where it came from. Thanks for providing a citation. Contrary to your assertion, I've provided lots of sources. They're remarkably consistent across time and space. though I'll grant some uncertainty around draw weight numbers in Ming and Qing China. In addition to Li Chengfen, back in 2005, Stephen Selby supposed said that Qing infantry bows draw 75lbs and cavalry bows 45lbs. However, many period texts suggest otherwise. Mark C. Elliot's The Manchu Way includes translations and summaries of these sources. He writes that a six-strength bow was considered the minimum for a grown man and ten strength was required to go on hunts. A military report in 1735 cautioned that few of the younger soldiers at a certain garrison were able to handle strength greater than seven or eight with ease, unambiguously indicating that these and higher were desirable draw weights for the field. Because of intense competition to draw heavy bows, the emperor issued a statement describing six strength or greater as sufficient for mounted military use. Elliot estimates each degree of strength as representing 10 catties (5.97kg); some decades earlier 1 li equaled 9 catties, 4 ounces (5.521kg). So the Qing minimum cavalry bow by these sources was 72.9-78.8lbs, and officers worried that younger soldiers weren't able to easily handle bows above 85-105lb - also probably on horseback. Records of military exams do show that significant numbers of soldiers couldn't handle a six-strength bow, but this wasn't considered acceptable and such soldiers received extra training to get them up to standard.

Personally, I'm not sure why our competing ideas can't both be right.  People, and bows, would have had great variability, and quite light bows are still capable of killing.  Not everyone was focused on penetrating plate armor.

That's all true enough. The late Ming author I mentioned earlier, Yingxing Song, wrote that weak archers - those who drew 78.8lb bows - could still conquer via accuracy. However, he noted the need for strong archers - drawing 157.6lbs - to pierce enemies' chests (implying armor) and shields.

I mean, Chinese sources also list zhugenu as being military weapons, and we all know what light draw weights they have.

Song specifically dismissed them as military weapons for this reason, writing that they were home-defense weapons for keeping off bandits.

So, on the sum of things, I don't think there's anything inherently ridiculous about 50-60 pound bows being used in the context of military archery from pre-modern periods (certainly nothing meriting scoffing lord of the rings references).

That's fair. However, in the Qing army in the eighteenth century, as described above, soldiers who couldn't handle 72.9-78.8lbs received extra training. 50-60lbs wasn't considered enough in that time and place. 

In addition, I think the notion of training from a young age is overblown.  Men like Mark Stretton who have been training for years, very hard, in a modern society, with the benefit of a modern diet and modern medicine and modern levels of leisure time, probably have achieved all that our medieval ancestors did, and possibly more.  Archers were required by law to practice once per week.  How many people on this forum practice a hell of a lot more than that?  Granted, it's possible medieval archers practiced more as well, but they didn't have the kind of leisure time that we do in the modern western world, so I find it unlucky that they could have crammed as much training into a year as we can.

Elite historical archers literally fought for a living. English archers might have had agricultural responsibilities while not on campaign, but folks like the Manchu bannermen were professional soldiers and part of ruling warrior class. You saw similar arrangements in Egypt, Japan, etc. Professional and aristocratic warriors had all the time in the world to practice shootings, because that's fundamentally what they did. Also, note that it's only rather recently that you find significant numbers of folks drawing 100+lb bows. That wasn't the case a mere few decades ago.

Offline Atlatlista

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #80 on: November 22, 2013, 11:44:26 pm »
I don't really disagree with any of that.  I think it's just important to remember in the face of huge draw weight numbers that there are also many cultures and many warriors even within those cultures who are not using such massive draw weights and who seem to be combat effective as well.  I really admire people taking on the task of building and shooting these very heavy bows, but I think there is something of a "cult of the warbow" that has developed that sees things of lesser weights as not being combat effective when they quite clearly were.  So, I apologize if my posts have seemed a bit reactionary in that regard.  I'm also still interested in seeing if people who have mastered these heavy draw weights have also mastered accurate shooting with the same.
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Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #81 on: November 23, 2013, 05:34:03 am »
I think a huge amount of people scoff at warbows when accuracy is the topic of conversation, but mainly because they just can't shoot them themselves!  There is no point using a bow if you can't hit your target!  The EWBS include wand, target and roving shoots at all their meets, but the reason not many people realise is simply because there's no Portsmouth/York/FITA etc scoring system.  Joe Gibbs was dead accurate using the 140# bow last weekend, he wasn't shooting distance he was aiming at body-shaped targets pinned to straw bales and getting head shots at various distances.  There are hundreds of pics on Facebook of guys like Nick Birmingham doing "normal" target stuff with 120# bows, and of course there's Martin Harvey, one of the best and most skilled archers in the country shooting 110# with pin point accuracy.  That guy is amazing.

Basically, if you're in control of a bow, you can be accurate and as long as the technique, training and core strength is good, there is no reason not to be in control of a warbow.  It's not all about heaving back massive lumps of timber just to see how far they go.

Offline Atlatlista

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #82 on: November 23, 2013, 03:43:37 pm »
That's why I'd like to see them shoot a FITA or IFAA or York type round. It gives a universal standard for comparison.
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Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #83 on: November 23, 2013, 04:56:17 pm »
I dunno.  I see your point, but in a way it's almost an unfair test.  Warbows were designed to inflict big, deadly wounds on people often without much concern on consistency (if we're talking livery issue artillery bows) whereas the bows being used to shoot target today are designed to be consistent, predictable and fast to maximise efficiency and speed.  The modern arrows are superfast needles with 2 inch fletchings and very light, compared to the spears that warbows shoot.  The modern arrows are ultra stable, and the war arrows are big ungainly things for punching through armour.

I don't think even the best warbow archer would stand a chance against a modern target archer, but then modern archery came from warbows, and has been refined and refined until it's accurate enough to become a sport.  It's like racing a Ford Model T against a Lamborghini Sesta Elemento.

Plus of course, after one round of a York there wouldnt be a target... ;-)

Offline Bearded bowyer

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #84 on: November 23, 2013, 05:26:09 pm »
Good grief...
you are debating about unknown things based on a tiny few, who living in the modern world with optimal nutrition, genetics and modern luxuries, can manage almost super human feats of shooting massive bows.
'supposed, possible, probable and maybe' are no grounds for actual reason or logic.

Sorry.. I've had a few beers and am just totally fed up with the same old arguments.

cant believe Im actually contributing to this post....

Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #85 on: November 23, 2013, 06:25:05 pm »
Pfffftttsssh.  The "modern lifestyle" argument doesn't fly with me.  We as a generation are soft, spoiled, pampered and weedy compared to our medieval ancestors who fought to survive, worked outside every day, had no chemically modified food, tvs, computers etc and yet we can shoot 150+ bows after a couple years of training.  The idea that medieval man would have struggled even slightly is daft using that line of debate.

Debate is why we're all here.  If the conversation doesn't appeal, there's not a huge amount of point taking the time to post "stop arguing" is there? Just don't read/reply.  It's like the YouTube comments such as "this music is crap" - just skip it, not hard.

Offline Atlatlista

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #86 on: November 23, 2013, 06:37:11 pm »
I dunno.  I see your point, but in a way it's almost an unfair test.  Warbows were designed to inflict big, deadly wounds on people often without much concern on consistency (if we're talking livery issue artillery bows) whereas the bows being used to shoot target today are designed to be consistent, predictable and fast to maximise efficiency and speed.  The modern arrows are superfast needles with 2 inch fletchings and very light, compared to the spears that warbows shoot.  The modern arrows are ultra stable, and the war arrows are big ungainly things for punching through armour.

I don't think even the best warbow archer would stand a chance against a modern target archer, but then modern archery came from warbows, and has been refined and refined until it's accurate enough to become a sport.  It's like racing a Ford Model T against a Lamborghini Sesta Elemento.

Plus of course, after one round of a York there wouldnt be a target... ;-)

I don't disagree that they would "lose" but that's hardly the point in my opinion.  I'm sure there are some who would love to ridicule warbow shooters' scores, but that's not my game.  I'm just interested in seeing what level of consistency and accuracy is achievable by the current crop of warbow shooters as it will better inform my understanding of past military practices.  If warbow shooters can't regularly hit a man-sized target at 80 yards, that tells us something important about how they might have been utilized, what the effective range was, and so on and so forth.  By contrast, if warbow shooters attain good levels of accuracy compared to Victorian target longbow shooters, that also tells us something important about how accurate these bows are at different ranges.

I don't know if you've heard of the International Practical Shooting Confederation or the International Defensive Pistol Association, but they host tournaments for pistol shooters in which they engage human silhouette targets in creative ways aimed at testing competence in defensive shooting of the style used by military and law enforcement.  I would love to create a similar competition for archers, with divisions for target style bows as well as warbows, which test different aspects of "military" style archery at different ranges and from different places, but where the courses and targets are standardized.  That way, when you have a friend drilling silhouette targets in the head with his warbow, that will mean something to folks across the pond who are looking for an unambiguous standard of accuracy.
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Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #87 on: November 23, 2013, 08:05:13 pm »
Yup I agree - I just meant that compared to a modern archer shooting something like a York, there'd be no contest!

I can say that at 80 yards, with bows between 90 and 120lbs getting headshots is pretty straightforward (provided the archer is not overbowed)

How many headshots compared to a locked in modern target shooter - I don't know!  I like your idea of pitting warbows against Victorian longbows using the same targets at the same distance.  Would be very interesting!

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #88 on: November 24, 2013, 03:56:26 am »
I can say that at 80 yards, with bows between 90 and 120lbs getting headshots is pretty straightforward (provided the archer is not overbowed)
Errr, in that case you would have won gold at the last olympics at a measley 70 metres.
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Offline WillS

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Re: Evidence OTHER than MR Bows of 120+ bows?
« Reply #89 on: November 24, 2013, 06:57:38 am »
Didnt say I could do it...

Might have exaggerated a bit I suppose.  An exceptional archer, in complete control of his bow could do it.  Especially when you consider 100yards is used throughout many target clubs.  As long as the bow fits the archer, there's no reason why it should be any harder to hit the target if the bow is heavy, compared to a light 50lb longbow.  I think that's the current mindset - too many people seem to think that once you hit about 80lbs, accuracy disappears and it just becomes a bit of fun or a macho thing when really there's no difference provided the bow weight has been carefully worked up to.