I thought I'd add a brief passage from Weapons Of Warre by Robert Hardy regarding the yew bows found on the MR:
"The quality of the timber, its density, in many cases the extreme fineness of the grain, suggests that the timber was of a straighter and finer
quality than could have been found in the British Isles. It is likely that most of it was imported from the Continent where such timber certainly could be found."
I'm not arguing of course that English yew can be superb, but is there enough of the superb quality English yew to ration hundreds of thousands of bows that have to be made quickly? I don't think there is. I don't know, none of us do, but I don't think there is. Your recent warbow may well have been made from excellent ""quality"" English yew. But could you now go out and find 20 more staves that you could do it with in a very short space of time? If the answer is "no", or "I don't know" then importing bowstaves from a country that gives the answer "yes" makes sense, doesn't it? In which case, the reason the English imported Spanish/Italian/Portugese yew is down to the "quality" of the wood.
The odd person can of course make stunning warbows from English yew, because they have the time to rifle through a bunch of staves until one stands out as being suitable. I don't think that would have been practical if you were ordered to make hundreds. That isn't saying "all English yew is bad quality" because of course it's not. But there isn't enough English yew of good quality available. So better wood was imported. Because it was better.
Your ability to leap to unsupported conclusion is still pretty breathtaking
I would also like to add a small personal preference as well - just because I don't add the word "may" or "perhaps" to every single sentence doesn't necessarily mean I think my opinion is 100% correct full stop. I'm too focused on getting my opinion into writing quickly to add suppositions to everything. It shouldn't be taken so seriously. Hope that makes sense? I would never claim to actually know about this stuff to the extent where I can make a statement and hope everybody else reading goes "oh, right. Well, if he said that then there we go!" If I forget to add "may" or "I suppose" or "I think" to something I write, just treat it as if I have. S'easier that way.
Let's not argue, eh? I don't know any of the answers, I only know what I think. I won't ever claim to actually know, but sometimes I'll forget to make that clear.