Video! Hopefully this works.
The brace height is zero, so the string is tight but not bracing the bow at this point. It's being winched down to 120lbs, which takes it to roughly 15 inches I think.
I still think it's the right limb (with the reflex) that's causing the uneven tiller, but what's weird is when paused at full draw, both limbs look even, but not the same if that makes sense. It looks REALLY ugly when you flip it horizontally though.
May be worth bearing in mind this is currently 83.5 inches long, which is way too big, so I've got room to chop ends off and sort that out. That should help with the really reflexed tip on the right, albeit losing some nice snappy kick.... dilemma!
Advice, thoughts, etc etc would all be appreciated! Cheers guys! (click on the picture I think, to see the video)