Author Topic: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)  (Read 18787 times)

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Offline Mike_H

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2013, 02:25:57 pm »
Indeed we are.  Thank you.

Offline ionicmuffin

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2013, 02:40:56 pm »
You obviously do not know what a theory is in science.  Look up the word.  It is also called the theory of gravity,

sorry i have to correct you on this, its the law of gravity and theory of gravity... just finished a physics course with 95%. The theory is a theory, A theory is simply the most elaborate form of consistent scientific knowledge not yet disproved by experiment. so its not disproved yet, but there is always that possibility. Gravity has a set law for calculating it, but we don't yet fully understand it.
Amo innectis arcus- I love crafting bows (latin)

Offline Skorpio79

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2013, 03:14:26 pm »
Boiled down, a scientific theory is the best explanation of a set of facts.
In common usage, 'theory' means hunch or guess. In the scientific realm it is the best explanation of the facts. You can also make predictions with it. It has to be able to stand up to scrutiny, and the results of the experiments have to be reproducible.

Theories can be modified because science is a self-correcting process. That's why some of the stuff people were taught in school 40 years ago is different than what we know now. [Some people take the progression of science as a reason to give up on it, or to discount it. But refinement is part of the process. Saying science should be ignored because it's different now than it was in the '60s is like saying computers are stupid because they are different now than they were in the '60s. We learn new things, new processes, and refine our knowledge.]

If experimentation leads to data that is counter to the theory, it must be changed or abandoned.

All in all, for something to be called a theory it must be strong. It has to explain the facts. Germ Theory. Atomic Theory. Plate Tectonics Theory. Cell Theory. These are not guesses or ideas just throw out there. Nor is the theory of evolution. All the info you could ever want is out there, freely available. If you would like, check it out. It's all really fascinating.

Offline Marks

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2013, 03:23:35 pm »
I apologize for sounding rude, but when you claim it's 'just a theory' it tells everyone A LOT about your understanding of science.

I do agree with you in not being opposed to anything. I was actually surprised to see this topic on the forum after reading the rules against politics or religion. The theory of Evolution is not religious, but all of the resistance to it is, so you really cannot discuss it in common circumstances without religion coming up.

It is a theory in that its always changing. Heck, this whole thread is about how science used to believe this way and now it believes this. I just worded it that way to ruffle your feathers.

I thought it was the laws of gravity

Offline Marks

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2013, 03:39:35 pm »
I'm certainly no scientist. Theory, Law, Fact, Fiction......I'm not that worried about it.

Wasn't my plan to get involved in all this. Just wanted to point out that I can't discuss my beliefs but you can discuss yours. There is scientific evidence to support Christianity but I'm not allowed to discuss that here.

Offline Skorpio79

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2013, 03:45:47 pm »
If I were not the highly-proper, incredibly noble gentleman that I am, I would say something like, "Discuss it until the moderator says stop. Surely they won't ban you for the first offence."

But I would not say something like that. Nope.

Offline Marks

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2013, 04:17:03 pm »
If I were not the highly-proper, incredibly noble gentleman that I am, I would say something like, "Discuss it until the moderator says stop. Surely they won't ban you for the first offence."

But I would not say something like that. Nope.

I'm happy to hear that you are more evolved than that.  ;)

Offline paulsemp

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2013, 04:20:12 pm »
I think you guys need to meet at the tavern to discuss this one.

Offline Dharma

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2013, 04:24:32 pm »
In general, people become attached to certain beliefs, be that science or religion. Their mind discriminates between what it perceives to be correct and what it believes to be incorrect. But, the reality is that this all takes place in the mind itself. The only reason we believe things are the way they are is because the mind informs us of this based on input from our five senses. For example, you see a fossil and assume this to be proof. But is it? Your eye sees the fossil and the mind creates the reality of it. Does the fossil exist outside of the mind? Who knows? Your eyes tell you it is there, but it is the eyes informing the mind of this. Religious books tell you things are a certain way, but, again, it is the eyes feeding this information to the mind and the mind then creates the reality. The mind then attaches itself to this belief and supposes it to be the correct one, despite other religious books perhaps having a different version of that reality. Thus, this is all conjecture from the mind itself, be it science or religion. It is our minds that make the choice to become attached to certain beliefs.

Consciousness is the seat of it all. Everything only exists because our five senses are telling us it is there. Yet, when you dream, your eyes are closed and yet you see, do you not? Thus, how can you be certain that what your eyes are telling you when you assume yourself to be awake is, in fact, correct? This is because the mind itself is the seat of everything we assume is a real, solid object around us. People with specific mental illnesses assume themselves to be in a totally separate reality and, to them, it is as real as the one we find ourselves in. People under the influence of hallucinogens are perceiving a separate reality also and who can say if it does or does not exist? Their senses are telling them it does. Therefore, it is the mind that creates all of this.

So, really, does it make any difference if some creator deity created all of this or some evolutionary act created all of this? To what end does it matter? Our minds will continue to create this dialogue inside our own minds of supposing this way or that way to be the truth when, in fact, what we believe to be the "truth" is only what our mind builds around the input from our senses. Science brings us many wonderful things. But so does religion. We cannot exclude one from the other in the totality of human experience. 
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Offline Mike_H

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2013, 04:31:58 pm »
I'm certainly no scientist. Theory, Law, Fact, Fiction......I'm not that worried about it.

Wasn't my plan to get involved in all this. Just wanted to point out that I can't discuss my beliefs but you can discuss yours. There is scientific evidence to support Christianity but I'm not allowed to discuss that here.
Mark, I do not believe in evolution, I simply accept it.  I do not believe in anything.  Either it is supported by overwhelming evidence or not.  I shall not comment on the "evidence" for Christianity.  It is your right to have an opinion and if you are offended, then I am sorry.  With that said, science is the study of the natural world and  explains how and why it works.  Evolution is one of those explainations.  That is why it can be discussed here and religion cannot be.

Offline bhenders

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2013, 04:37:32 pm »
You obviously do not know what a theory is in science.  Look up the word.  It is also called the theory of gravity,

sorry i have to correct you on this, its the law of gravity and theory of gravity... just finished a physics course with 95%. The theory is a theory, A theory is simply the most elaborate form of consistent scientific knowledge not yet disproved by experiment. so its not disproved yet, but there is always that possibility. Gravity has a set law for calculating it, but we don't yet fully understand it.

OK, so let's go deeper into the rabbit hole.... Those equations are the 'classical' equations for gravity.  Gravity is NOT really a classical force, it is a quantum force... one of the four forces and the least understood.  The warping of space-time by mass.... Einstein.. well, that's not really correct either because his space-time wasn't quantized. 

And then there's 'dark matter'.  Something that we have not idea of ... except we can feel it's gravity (it's what keeps our Galaxy together).  The more you look, the stranger the Universe appears. 

Edit:  btw, Scientific Theories are disprovable but not provable.  If data does not agree with a theory, then the theory is wrong and must be changed or replaced. 

Belief has no such limitations because there is no science involved (nor should there be).

Offline Mike_H

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #41 on: June 05, 2013, 04:47:02 pm »

Edit:  btw, Scientific Theories are disprovable but not provable.  If data does not agree with a theory, then the theory is wrong and must be changed or replaced. 

Belief has no such limitations because there is no science involved (nor should there be).

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Offline Dharma

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #42 on: June 05, 2013, 04:52:14 pm »
I have a theory. I should have some more tea.  :)
An arrow knows only the life its maker breathes into it...

Offline Mike_H

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #43 on: June 05, 2013, 04:55:05 pm »
I have a theory. I should have some more tea.  :)

Sounds good to me.  :)

And in the end, I just shrugged the guy off.  Like lostarrow said, no sense in getting worked up over it.  Can't fix stupid.

Offline ionicmuffin

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Re: The nerve of some people (Warning: rant)
« Reply #44 on: June 05, 2013, 04:56:31 pm »
You obviously do not know what a theory is in science.  Look up the word.  It is also called the theory of gravity,

sorry i have to correct you on this, its the law of gravity and theory of gravity... just finished a physics course with 95%. The theory is a theory, A theory is simply the most elaborate form of consistent scientific knowledge not yet disproved by experiment. so its not disproved yet, but there is always that possibility. Gravity has a set law for calculating it, but we don't yet fully understand it.

OK, so let's go deeper into the rabbit hole.... Those equations are the 'classical' equations for gravity.  Gravity is NOT really a classical force, it is a quantum force... one of the four forces and the least understood.  The warping of space-time by mass.... Einstein.. well, that's not really correct either because his space-time wasn't quantized. 

And then there's 'dark matter'.  Something that we have not idea of ... except we can feel it's gravity (it's what keeps our Galaxy together).  The more you look, the stranger the Universe appears. 

Edit:  btw, Scientific Theories are disprovable but not provable.  If data does not agree with a theory, then the theory is wrong and must be changed or replaced. 

Belief has no such limitations because there is no science involved (nor should there be).

I dont even know why im still on this topic. Whatever the case, smile!  :D
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 05:09:44 pm by ionicmuffin »
Amo innectis arcus- I love crafting bows (latin)