Ok! Cast Iron sign me up! Hmm! I think I will be one of the first there. By the way how far away is the nearest town for suplies? I know I will have to pick up some things sometime down the road while I am there. Beer just does not seem to travel well in a plane!
Hillbilly, I will have the waders on then. As "Bob Marley" said "Dont wory....everything gon'na be all right!"! Best feal good music ever sung!

I guess you all know what I'm listenning to at the moment!
Dont worry Hillbilly! I make good fish food!!!

A little venison chopped up in bitty peices and tossed in the river. You ever seen so many hunters floppin arround in a river dunkin for venison before? (Brings such a picture to mind!)

CastIron, I'm bringing the earplugs and lots of fragrance oil to dows the place with. Should make the place at least livable while we are there. Calendergirl (Marrie?) whats your favorite fragrance? I can supply it in bulk for ya! Make all these heathens smell PURDY!

(Jeesh! just remembered I made a batch of Gardenia lotion today! Cant smell it myself but I bet I reak of it at the moment! Going on a date tonight to!!! Hope she likes gardenias!)