Author Topic: 11th Tennesse Classic.  (Read 477539 times)

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Offline DanaM

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #435 on: February 29, 2008, 01:45:09 pm »
Bishop make sure they have a hot tub in case I need to do my laundry ;D
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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #436 on: February 29, 2008, 01:46:49 pm »
Thanks so much Pappy, ill keep my eyes open for the info. depending on how things are going we will prob end up camping on the farm with the rest of the group but i like to be prepared either way, never know what the boss is going to decide and since this is kind of a selfish trip all for me i want to make sure mamma has a good
Dana, im a big boy and i dont think it would fit me or i would just put it on before i climbed in, you know, kill two birds with one stone.

Offline D. Tiller

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #437 on: February 29, 2008, 04:09:58 pm »
No fruit cakes here buckoo! I likes them gals. Why do you think I started this buisness? Perdy ladies everywhere and not much competition!!!  ;D

I believe you but you might want to bask in the camp fire smoke for cover sent before the Ohio Boys arrive  ;D ;D ;D

Good advice! They really that bad?  :o  Well, If you cant tell a buck from a doe that must make it really difficult durring hunting season!

Marie and Sarah have nothing to fear from me... >:D  ;D ;D

Well, little less than two months to go. Who's wittlen bow wood while we are waiting? Gots a longbow going and a lamintated Eurpoean style flatbow. Need to make some billets for knapping and a bunch of other stuff to get ready.  Anyone bringing Flint? Pappy, do you know if there is any flint arround the area? Dont know if I can go without breaking some rock for a day or two. Tis my addiction!

Anything that is a must to bring that I probably would not know about?
“People are less likely to shoot at you if you smile at them” - Mad Jack Churchill


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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #438 on: February 29, 2008, 06:05:08 pm »
D.Tiller, i live in the flinthills of Kansas and i'd be danged if i know what it looks like, i have never been out with someone who knows what they are looking at. I would be happy to round up a bunch to bring along but having never knapped before and just now getting some tools together i dont want to tote down 50 pounds of junk rock.
I have been trying to find pics of what the flint around here looks like but no luck so far.

Offline DanaM

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #439 on: February 29, 2008, 06:48:06 pm »
Bishop try it and see, if breaks in a conchoidal fracture its knappable. Then ya have trade goods ;D
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #440 on: February 29, 2008, 10:16:58 pm »
aside from having to look up "conchoidal fracture", thanks for the info Dana, that makes sense. I'll just go see what i can find and try it out.

Offline Calendargirl

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #441 on: February 29, 2008, 10:25:44 pm »
aside from having to look up "conchoidal fracture", thanks for the info Dana, that makes sense. I'll just go see what i can find and try it out.
Did Dana lernt u sumpin' new, Bish?
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Offline cowboy

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #442 on: February 29, 2008, 10:34:02 pm »
haha :D :D. I traveled some unknown roads to me starting at Emporia, KS to somewhere way south of there in search of flint. I saw plenty but none worth knapping. Even stopped at a rock quarry and asked about it - they said there was none, but I was lookin at some right next to thier scales :D. Didn't grab any - didn't look too good, but it's there!
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Offline D. Tiller

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #443 on: March 01, 2008, 12:19:12 am »
Cowboy, you looked arround Tennesee? Maybe there is some lyen right dar in dem hills and all we needs ta dos is pck'er up! (practicing my southern drawl so you all can understand me when I get there!  ;D)
“People are less likely to shoot at you if you smile at them” - Mad Jack Churchill


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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #444 on: March 01, 2008, 02:20:01 am »
yes he did maam, he is helping me get off to a good knapping start. now when im around some real knappers i can at least sound like i know what i am talking about or understand what they are saying.... ;D


Offline DanaM

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #445 on: March 01, 2008, 08:19:03 am »
Good Bishop now ya can teach me what it means ;) I'm like a parrot just repeating what I hear. ::)
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI

Offline cowboy

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #446 on: March 01, 2008, 10:36:41 am »
Haven't yet D, but am thinking I might here in a coupla months ::).
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Offline GregB

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #447 on: March 02, 2008, 06:40:52 pm »
Don't worry David, there's plenty of "rocks" around for you to knap on. If you've ever heard of Dover flint...Dover is just an hour's drive from the club. I'm sure there will be some of it at the shoot. I gave one of our members a 5 gallon bucket of flint, a lot of it broken authentic arrow heads, scrappers, and such. I'll try and talk him into bringing it to the shoot.

We put up a large 18'X20' awning this weekend to put some of the benches/vises under for some added room. Other then that, and going to a archery shoot Saturday morning, we mostly worked on finishing up some of our own bows. I'm working on one for my brother. He doesn't know I'm making him one, although in the past he had asked I make a lighter weight bow for him. He's had shoulder surgery, so I just about got one finished tiller 45#@26". I recurved the tips today and worked on the handle. The wood had some worm holes in it and cracked places in the handle area. I've pretty much gotten all that cleaned up after creating some shavings today. :) The recurves look good, I'll give it a couple of days before I string it again.

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Offline Pat B

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #448 on: March 03, 2008, 01:21:13 am »
David, Hillbilly almost lost his pants while walking the course ;D. He was filling his pockets with knappable rock from all over the fields where we walked. Not quite as much as in Cowboys fields but a good bit. There might even be some of the obsidian left that Justin brought last year.     Pat
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Offline D. Tiller

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Re: 11th Tennesse Classic.
« Reply #449 on: March 03, 2008, 01:44:11 am »
Thanks for the good news!  I have plenty of obsidian so thats like the common stone for these parts. Flint on the other hand is a bit rare around here. So Hillbilly and I will both be walking around with droopy pants. (Filled with rocks, not other stuff! I'm figuring out how you all think!)

GregB, never seen dover flint before. What's it like? Creamy looking and gentle on the break or tough as nails? Which I do think Cowboy prefers!  ;D

David T
“People are less likely to shoot at you if you smile at them” - Mad Jack Churchill