I don't even know how to profile a bow with a bandsaw, just cause alot of staves I work I will just leave in the propeller twist and character and all that. Maybe make small cuts hear and there until you get it where you want it? I am new to the powertool world actually. I will say one thing, don't ever buy a 10" bandsaw if you plan on using it.

I'm about to get me something better... I think I will ask everyones advice before I throw down any money though...
EDIT: And yes I second the "second hand" draw knife thing. A member on here was kind enough to just randomly send me a draw knife in the mail one day! (Thank ya again Critterville / Ciprano!

) I have to say it looks nice and old, but man it is one heck of a quality knife. I haven't sharpened it once and have used it for months, and it is still nice and sharp. I don't know why, but all the brand new blade related items I buy end up going dull quicker and quicker (looking at you cheap cabinet scrappers,
