also you shouldn't draw it past your target weight or you will get some set.
Well rats... Another one for the burn barrel. That's it. I give up. I've been trying to get a shootable bow now for over 6 months. I have been a woodworker all my life, and I have never had something cause as much grief as this... All those people who made a shootable bow their first try must have had some magical combination of luck and opportunity...
Pull yourself together man and get a grip!
You are 80% there!
Get a taut string on it and decide on your target weight.
Pull it back to that weight and look at the curve of it.
If the tips are coming back about 7" and the curve is reasonable, get it to a low brace height (say 4-5") The draw weigh is always less with a shorter string. (Due to the geometry)
You are now at the very point where you must SLOW DOWN !
Don't start getting frustrated and taking off tons of wood. Enjoy slowly taking off small even amounts of wood so each time you pull it back it comes a little further... a bit like courtin'

If you are really stressed out, have a break, make a bow out of a scrap of grren wood or have cup of tea and a bit of toast.
Come on old chap, stiff upper lip... we're not going to let a silly bit of wood wood beat us now are we

A lot of it is patience perseverence and confidence. I still get a crisis of confidence now and then, and as I wind it back on the tiller I'm saying 'BANG' to myself so it won't be a shock if it explodes. Then it's a huge flood of relief when it makes it to draw weight.
BTW Tiller is looking good at the moment, get it on a short string pulling back to 50# and post another pic.
Get a grip!
If I have to come over there... there'll be trouble