This is a picture of my first deer killed with a bow. In fact it is my first deer killed with anything for that matter. I have only been hunting for 5 yrs. I did'nt get to go much last year and the years prior I had some exciting moments, but he never got a good enough shot opportunity to bring home the meat. The propoerty owner would not allow a doe to be killed in previous years or I probabley would have made meat sooner, but better late than never I suppose.
The bow is my 60" 52#@27" osage self bow backed with copperhead skins. The doe is a pretty nice one too. We did'nt weigh it but it produced about 55-60lbs of meat so were guessing around 100lbs on the hoof.
I was hunting from a ground blind I bought after I went hog hunting with George Stoneberg. I am sold on them for sure. I sat there and observed her and another doe for about 5 minutes until she showed me a good quartering away shot at 10yds. The bow limb struck the side of the blind a little bit but the shot was true and ended up being a double lung. She ran about 80yds and stopped and just keeled over. I had some concerns about the bow limb striking the blind as it took some of the heat off the arrow but the shot was well placed and it did not matter. It punched thru both sides but not a complete pass thru due to the reduced arrow speed. I watched her bolt after the shot and could see her the whole way and when she stopped, she just fell over. I could not have been happier.
I got on the phone and called Jimmy from here on PA. ( See Kansas doe first of the season) and told him about it and we talked a little about how to skin it and process it. He said he had a funeral to go to but maybe he would come out and see me when he was done. I said cool. About 5 minutes later he called back and said he decided that this was a big deal so he would come out and help guide me in the process. What a guy. He drove 60 miles to my place and we did the whole thing together from skinning to processing to vacume sealing in about 4 hrs. Then we had a good time shooting our little stuffed animal course. Its a poor mans 3d so to speak. We had a really good time and I am forever in his debt for that education.
I am freezing the hide for tanning later and we will be feasting on tenderloins and some of the back strap over the open fire tonight when I get off work so it should be good eats. Nuff said, heres the picture of the doe.
thanks for looking, Danny