Couple years ago I swapped for a hunk of Osage that was split from a recycled fencepost. I have never built a bow as I mentioned in another thread . Instead of ruining the floor tillered oak stave I bought I attacked the Osage hunk that was around 2.5x 2.5x 51" . After cutting off the checks on the ends I have a 49" stave . I read through lots of you fellers posts on chasing the rings and removing the sap ring and went for it . Took most of a day with lots of breaks ! Dont know how old the post was but it sure enough hard and didnt want to give up a bit ! I used a draw knife to start , removing most of outer layer with out cutting into the orange wood then went at it with spoke shaves and pocket knife until I had a clean uniform back , end to end .

I layed out as best I could center , then drew in the shape and handle location. Not knowing any better and it being a little crooked and hard to bandsaw excess material away I went at it with my draw knife to do shaping.
I have it roughed in somewhat in these two pics .

Today I messed with it off and on throughout the day and I think I have it floor tillered . I have pretty good bend , around 4" or so except for about upper third of limbs which are still stiff. Its still pretty stout !
In the last two pics its 2" at widest and about 1.25" at tips. I narrowed it to around 1.5" and .750" at tips today as there was still some dark frayed wood on edges.
On the back of bow I can see age checks running lengthways here and there in limbs . I dont know if you can see them in first pics.
I have some deer rawhide I traded for and was wondering if I can use that to back the bow to stregthen any issues with the age checks .
Help please