...If she makes weight ...
She will make weight, don't worry about that. The only thing that stand between the stave as it is now and your bow is time and sweat (in about equal proportions

). My only free evenings this week are Mon-Wed, maybe Saturday and then Sunday afternoon/evening. I'm leaving for the lease Thursday after work to help a new guy on the lease get set up and show him around. We'll do a little hog hunting too. Might get home in time on Saturday to work on a bow as long as I can swim before we get started. That pool feels mighty good after 2 or 3 days out in the heat.
Thanks Pappy, it's all fun for me when the guys are over working on a bow. When they have their game face on and the draw knife in their hands I can pretty much sit down, knapp for a bit and watch the wood chips fly (helping only when they need me).

When we're tillering I stay a little closer. They do great, and it's fun to see their eye for tillering develop. Best part is their first arrow out of their bow. It's like Christmas morning.

(You've helped people - I'm sure you already know this.) But I never get tired of it.