Is it a known fact that every archer had iron, or steel points? If they couldn't get iron, or steel, they just sat around till the some iron came their way? Explain the " Fact" that a Viking had a triangular Flint arrow head in his Head. Those that could get iron, I am sure that was all they used, and yes, they are in archaeological abundance, flint use has no definitive date as to the end of it's use. Look at the ice man. He had a metal (Copper) axe, but flint arrowheads. The British, in the 1600's had cannons, and matchlocks on their ships, AND archers in the crows nest. "With steel points"
.But like I said, who knows if the person using the flint head was a viking, or someone defending his life and home. Just because iron was in use, doesn't mean that it was the only form of weapon points used. There were peasants, even in viking times. I am not in any way, trying to ridicule, or mock a "Superb Boyer", just that you simply cannot say that stone points were only used in stone age. Tell that to the dead Viking with the stone point in his head, when you meet up with him in Valhalla. Did a Cromagnon man shoot him? There are archaeological finds that dispute earlier set in "stone"findings, and facts. There were high quality stone knives, spear, and arrow heads found on the shores of North America, where there are Non Stoneage Viking settlements. They ran out of metal, with no known sources of replacement, and they resorted to what they had at hand. Why not for someone who did not have metal, or enough to use for arrow heads, use stone? To definitively say that there were no stone points used in Viking times, in my opinion is a little hard to go for. When the first cars were available, some people still perferred the horse. Some could not afford a car. I just don't believe that because iron was in wide use, that automatically, someone can say that there fore no stone was used there after. Iron was indeed the preferred choice. My preferred choice is a Lexus, but I cannot afford one.
Simply stating that since iron, chain mail, spear points, arrowheads, and "A"bone point was found that no stone was used, is kinda self defeating logic, since the fact the bone point was found. Which is better bone or stone? Automatically seeing a stone point and relegating it to the stone age, is not exactly correct science. Point in short, iron artifacts are in abundance. Stone points in Viking timelines are rare. Iron was preferred. Does not mean that stone was absolutely rejected. What would you do if you were a peasant, and not a warrior, and had no ability to acquire iron? Use a sharpened stick for defense? I'd be out there doing my best to make some stone points, till I could kill a Viking and take his! Archaeological "Facts" are constantly being rewritten, as more items are uncovered. Like the time line when the first humans supposedly set foot on the N.A. Continent. That has changed, and will be not doubt be changed again. Just because there were no Pandas seen till the late 1890's or early 1900's in the Western world meant to them that it was just a silly Chinese myth. Till they were brought to the West. Then Scientific Fact was dissolved, and a new fact was made.
I just can't accept that since more of one item was found, that therefore it is absolute, and irrefutable fact that a lessor object was never used in that time point. I am not saying that Vikings used stone points in their raiding forrays. But that stone was still used by some people who could not acquire metal. When they could acquire metal, I have no doubt that they used the metal. Look at the Osage wagon seat springs that were used, because they didn't have access to, or couldn't afford the metal, and used something else that was effective, till they could get metal springs. There never was or will be any intent to knock anyone on here irregardless of how much, or how little knowledge they have. I just don't like the "Absolutes" that are too often used. There will always be room for exceptions.
One good thing about this site, it do tend to elicit lively discussions, don't it?!