The latest "crazy" project is an early Viking type armor piersing arrow head. Got a new friend in Mr. Wolfsongforge.....sent him a photo of some viking arrow heads from the Danish National Museum and asked if he could replicate one of them.....as you can see from the photos the head is nearly indesturctable. Hafted it up on a Ken 75 shaft which proved way tough also. Well that left me with a need for a heavier weight bow......confiscated a mollegabet I'm building for a fellow PA member....draws 70# @ 28" so figured he wouldn't mind....sort of test the bow same as the head.
It's my understanding that Viking shields were made from 1" thick oak, so I grabbed a piece of white oak that was 1-1/8" thick, 6" wide, and 4 feet long....and had at it, well at least one time. The arrow went away cause the early heads were "tanged" and not "socketed" but this thing is very potent......anyway here's the pics, hope ya find 'em worth lookin at.
Oh ya, that forged head come out like it had never been shot at all, this thing is a true "warhead".
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