It is a good discussion Ed, I have done it without pre smoke and it works fine, as I was said that is just the way I was taught and seem to always go back to it, never read a book on it, all I know about it came from a good friend that worked for an old guy as a kid in NC mountains, they did 100 or so a year to sell and make a living and also just hands on seeing what works and don't work. One thing I know for sure, pre smoking don't hurt, not sure it helps but know it don't hurt and also love the smell.

I have also found as you said freezing them at least once does seem to help.

:)Headed down in a bit and hope to get this last hide dry and ready for final smoke today, also got 2 bows to finish sealing and 1 in the works that I may get to start tillering on this weekend. Always something to do. Hope yall have a good one also. Life is Good.
