Ya it was good to talk to him for sure. Had a really good weekend, went down Thursday but it rained all day so I took some time and tuned 18 arrows and helped joe on his new Osage. The rest of the weekend was spent working on ranges and around the place for the IBO Trad world so not many pictures.

We got 3 ranges cleaned and 85 targets hauled out to be set, also got the kitchen and pavilion cleaned and ready to go, bush hogged the camping area and some of the range trails and bagged 80 bags of ice in between times, very busy but got a lot done. Only 2 more weeks so we got to stay at it if we want to be ready. Few pictures. 18 arrows tuned and ready to go, don't loose and break as many as I use to but still do from time to time.

It was raining so I moved a deer mid under the work shop to test the arrows.
