I ran an archery club with an indoor range for 15 years, the city owned the range so it was open to the public, we held 3D tournaments on the ball field on Saturday nights in the spring and fall.
I burned out and walked away, I did most of the work, when I called a member to help me clean up the range I always got the same tired lie everyone uses when they don't want to do something "I don't think I will have time" so I did it myself.
The worst was John Q Public, during the height of the dipping craze they would spit on the floor of the range or fill the large garbage can full or nasty spit. This went on even after we banned tobacco in the range because a club member couldn't be there all the time.
Then there was they human filth; there was a public restroom about 75 yards away from the range but the guys would pee behind the backstop, leave cups of pee sitting around or even take a dump on a piece of cardboard and throw it in the garbage can. This is where I learned just how despicable some members of the public could be.
One Friday morning, after I doubled over from evenings to midnights, I called a member that lived across the street from the trophy shop and asked him if he would pick up the trophies for the Saturday shoot, they had to be picked up by noon on Friday. It was a 20 mile round trip for me, I had to get a few hours sleep before I went back in on evenings.
He told me "the" lie, I drove over to pick up the trophies, went home, folded up the club books and walked away. I was good at running the club, I took it from deeply in debt, the previous officers were stealing the tournament money, to being solvent with a brand new set of McKenzie's and a huge crowd on Saturday night. Without my guidance the 45 year old club died within 2 years, no one would take the reins.