Keenan/HatchaA,it is my pleasure,Miss Joanie says it's my face book,Not sure what that is but I guess it's OK.

Jon you are a busy Beaver while you are there,that's for sure.Glad you got a lot done. I can't wait for this weekend,Christmas with the family,then Me and Beau are headed to the Cabin Sunday,he is only staying a day or 2[work you know] but Jon/Woody and
more special friends from NY and MI. are coming in for the whole week.Gary is bringing his son Steve who has never been there.Hole in the limb Chuck/Davy and Glenn from NY.Glenn is a teacher so he has never had the time off to come either,should be a blast,lots of Hunting/cooking
[Glenn is a great cook] shop work and plenty of shooting the bull around the fire. Yes
Life is good.
