HatchA,come on down. Ya Eddie I have said many time down there that OSHA wouldn't like us very much.

Friday again and I am headed down as soon as I get off.I got all of the grass cut yesterday except for the top camp ground/parking lot.I also got all but 2 arrows fletched and ready to tie the feathers and nocks.A few came down yesterday and started setting the range,They got all the targets laid out except for the moose and Caribou.We will finish that up today and Saturday
and tweak the range.BigA has the practice range in good shape so yall should enjoy that.We only have one more weekend after this to get things ready so needless to say we have a lot to do.It is a lot of work, but fun work.

There is no telling what else will be going on,KingRon is bringing his camper and grandsons so it should be a fun weekend.Hope yall have a good on,see ya Monday.

Life is good.
