Nice bird Brian, Russell we are between Nashville TN. and Clarksville off I24 @ exit 19.
Had another great weekend,got the range set of,just needs a few signs and tweaking but all the targets are out. I also got the arrows finished for the trophies.We built another work/vice bench and got 2 more Tiller boards up and ready to use. Also got 30 scrapers ready and all the supplies we need for the selfbow challenge. Lots of friends checked in and had some good eating to boot. Got to watch some great napping,they are just getting warmed up for the Classic.Hope yall had a good one also.

Tractor stopped buy the middle of the week,he brought a friend with him,he is in the first picture,I think he liked the place,also Jeff and Tommy stopped by,they are 2 of the origanal members of TwinOaks,they have moved on but still good friends of the Club and 2 of my closest friends.

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