Ya it will make you forget your pain,at least till morning.

Friday and I am sure glad,been a long week.I got both sleeves on the broke bows yesterday and glued up.I plan on trying to finish this weekend if the glue is good and dry,Woody is comming down and we plan on working on hides this
evening/more smoking and stretching. I also plan on finish tillering my Yew.[ I know yall will believe it when you see it]

just seems like everything keeps getting in the way on this bow. We also have a wild game supper/event Sat.evening.We will be setting up a small target range for the kids to have a little friendly competition and a display with some of our stuff and a few items from PA,magazines and such. I really need to be at the cabin getting stuff done but we try and do all we can for the kids.
Hope yall have a good one also.See ya Monday. Life is good.
