Good looking pictures Pappy!!!! Might better cut another cord of wood for the Classic, Kiva gets mighty cold ya know!!!!!

The deer down was great for Hunter!!!! Looks like you and Jesse got the hang of that scrapping tool pretty well, those hides look really good stretched out like that, sorta mountain manlike!!!!

I never did kill anything in GA yet, but once turkey season starts maybe I can!!! I've been talking the Classic up alot down here and have several of them GA boys planning on coming up so!!!!! want you to meet someone that is important to me. Can't wait to see ya'll and hug Jonie!!!!

I went down to Albany, Ga for the Cheehaw Indian Festival Rondyvous 8/9/10th. I dressed out in leather indian dress I made, got to shoot in the archery competition, I got 1st place shooting against 6 fellas. 3 of which were darn good!!! tickled me!!! I shot the red snake bow that Colene Simmons gave me 3 yrs ago at the Classic. Jjust bragging rights really, but you know I can do that!!! I also made the large turtle shell possibles bag from one I found hunting Rum creek in GA.
I still have that stave to finish of Allen's, gotta get up there one of these days to learn it from you, Greg or Anthony!!!

Life Is Good!!!!