FRIDAY,YES.Man this has be a long and frustrating week at work,the only high light was I knew Friday would get here and I could go and forget.

We are having the last youth hunt this weekend and have 3 young men comming . 9 and 10 years old so that should be fun for sure.We also have a club meeting at noon Sat. and then a wood cutting after the meeting,always need more wood.

I have a few projects that I need to do,I have 12 deer legs to process and if our new tool comes in We need to scrape the hair off 3 Deer hides.I also want to recheck the tiller on my Yew bow and get the rawhide back on it.Haven't had much time to work on it lately but now that Hunting season is over I can finish it up.JohnT is supposed to come downand that will be good,haven't seen him in a while,he has been making knives all winter so I really want to see some of his work,if he make knives like he makes bows and flint naps I am sure they will be awesome.
Hope yall have a good one also.See ya Monday.Life is good.
