It was really a great time off, with beautiful weather and time in the woods with friends! The knife making tends to take my focus off deer hunting which is pretty bad timing considering the rut is getting started here. I need to be shooting that bow more and stay in tune during the season!
Yeah Mike, I'm really enjoying the knife making. I don't think I know very much about it at this point, especially putting the taper on the blade. The handle work is easy for me as it's similar to the wood working with bows. Getting an even taper, and then finishing the blade and buffing, etc. is where I'm lacking. Don't know if I should just work the taper by eye with belt sanders and files, or use some type of a jig. The "by-eye" definitely requires some learning curve, and I'm not happy with my performance at this point.

I've just been sanding and using steel wool, we don't have a buffing wheel yet or any buffing compounds. I copied the pattern of the neck knife you made Pappy. I've got one shaped out of some heavier steel, but haven't put a handle on it yet. I've been working with sheaths over last weekend and this week. I think I've made five of them for knifes I've made. I've been doing some reading but sure would like to spend a few hours with someone who knows what they're doing. I don't know squat about heat tempering yet...when compared to someone making knifes that really knows the processes, I'm below rookie status at this point.
You are right Chad I had to come back to work to get a little rest.
I prefer the good type of tired over the going back to work myself!