Author Topic: Life is good  (Read 5037189 times)

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Offline Otis

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3840 on: November 17, 2009, 12:58:01 pm »
Good job Pappy and GregB!  I put a gut shot deer down that some one else had shot earlier yesterday near the end of our hunt. Second Chance shoots hard. Arrow went through the boilerroom and broke the off side leg. I hit a doe early yesterday too high with the point Leapingbare made for me and didn't get in the goodies. Waited 3 hours then started tracking. Very little blood and not very far before in died out. I think the deer will live, but I never did find my arrow and I was hunting a very dense thicket. I would have thought it would have got pulled out. My brother in law shot a 7 pointer yesterday also. So, Pappy, I am collecting sinew and brains for you. Can't wait to bring it to you. We didn't see one deer today and it was raining hard so we called it quits. I'm going over to his house to get the sinew and brain in a little bit.

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3841 on: November 18, 2009, 05:46:00 am »
Thanks David,ya I knew that bow could do it ,it's done it before  ;) ;D all it needs is a chance.
Thanks for saving the stuff for me,We will put it to good use.I got 4 more legs last night and 4 more strips of back strap sinew.Can't have to much of that stuff. Congrats on yall's deer.Did you get to keep the gut shot deer you finished off  ???
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline Otis

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3842 on: November 18, 2009, 06:09:35 am »
I got to keep it. It came in about 1:15 and laid down. I watched it for two hours before it's head went down. I climbed down to go take a look and got to about 20 yards from it and up shot the head again. I couldn't shoot, too much stuff in the way. So, I backed out, went and helped my brother inlaw get his deer out then went back with him and another guy we talked to in the parking lot as blockers in case the deer bolted. It let me get within ten yards and I hit her good. Didn't go far.  I was glad to have put her down and take the meat instead of seeing her suffer anymore than she already had.

Offline GregB

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3843 on: November 18, 2009, 07:32:27 am »
Dave, would you be using that meat for more stuffed pepper sausage? ;D

I'm off Friday and plan to give them another go. Hopefully my luck will hold. Saturday morning I'm planning to go to a leather working class at Tandy Leather in Nashville. Hopefully I'll learn some techniques to improve my sheath making.

Here are a few of the knife's and sheaths I've made so far.

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Offline Pappy

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3844 on: November 18, 2009, 07:37:00 am »
Nice work Greg,good luck in your class. :) Good deal David,glad you put her down and also got to keep the meat. :)
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Offline Josh

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3845 on: November 18, 2009, 10:32:11 am »
Those are some nice sheaths Greg!!  Looks like you already know what you are doing, cant wait to see what that class teaches you!  :)  -josh
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Offline GregB

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3846 on: November 18, 2009, 12:59:56 pm »
Thanks Pappy and Josh! No where near the level that most knife makers out there are, but you got to start somewhere...

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Offline mullet

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3847 on: November 18, 2009, 01:07:56 pm »
 Great looking knives and sheaths, Greg. I have about two dozen knives without sheaths. I need to commision your new skill.
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Offline Otis

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3848 on: November 18, 2009, 04:01:27 pm »
Greg, looking good on the leather work for sure!  We always use pork sausage to stuff the peppers. Are you ready for some more of those and the roll ups? Good luck hunting this weekend. I'm going to try and get back out myself. Momma wants some more jerky meat. I've got the back sealed on Lotta Help and am working on the belly now. When I get that done and the strike plate I'll get my daughter to help me post some pictures. I hope to get to hunt with it before the season's over with. Again, thanks to you, Pappy, and BigA for all you patience and help.

Offline GregB

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3849 on: November 18, 2009, 04:19:32 pm »
You're welcome David...just keep those stuffed peppers coming and everything will be ok!  ;D  Just kidding, we like you even without the stuffed peppers...yeah right!  ;) Actually, you know that me and stuffed peppers don't get along to well.

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Offline Pat B

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3850 on: November 18, 2009, 05:56:18 pm »
Greg, you are making some great knives and sheaths. Looks to me like you will be teaching the teacher in your leather class  ;) . I really enjoy leather work. I owned a custom leather shop in Savannah in the early 70's and have been getting back in it lately.  I guess knives and trade points will be my next venture.
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3851 on: November 19, 2009, 05:43:06 am »
Had a great day yesterday,as yall know my son Beau has been gone for a while but he is back now and has got back into bow hunting,He done some scouting last week and found a spot on the far end of the farm that he use to hunt a lot.Greg and I put him up a stand last week and he got a chance to hunt it yesterday.Well he called me about 10 yesterday and said he had one hit.I meet
him at the barn about noon,he was sure the deer had ran to the West so we took up the trail,he kept saying Dad I am sure he turned and went down the hill,I said well if that is the case there is another deer bleeding in these woods. :) It went to the east.He thought  the hit was high and to far back and didn't get a pass through.We tracked the deer,very slow,and I was scanning in front of me when I spotted the deer,it was down but not dead ,so we backed out and gave it a couple of hours the eased back in.The deer was dead and about 10 yards from where I had last seen it.He was really excited,it didn't have a large rack.It turned out to be a 4 point but at some point it was probably a 6 or 8.It had broke both main beams off at the eye guards.It weighted in at 132 lbs.
He like his dad is a meat hunter and since he has got married and having to buy meat he has learned that the deer we always have at my house is a very good thing.I have really missed this kind of thing with him over the last few years and am very happy to have him back.It was just like old times.
The shot wasn't that bad,the problem was he short draw-ed[like Father like son] ;) :) and only got one lung and sometimes that takes a while for the deer to die.

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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3852 on: November 19, 2009, 07:37:05 am »
Beau must have lost His Smiler...just like My Oldest Son did..... :P....Don't ever have nothing but a Serious Face in a Picture any more since He grew up!! ell Nice deer Beau....and you are right' should not be about the is about the Harvest of Meat...that was Gods intentions...I do believe........Nice Job Guys
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3853 on: November 19, 2009, 07:42:10 am »
Ya he grew up with Chuck Adams everywhere and always hated that big smile,he thinks like I do,its a serious thing when you take a life.  :) any life. :) Got no problem doing it ,if we need and use it
but still have some remorse about it. :)
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Offline GregB

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #3854 on: November 19, 2009, 12:53:51 pm »
I'm glad that stand location turned out to be a good one. Really great that Beau got the deer, I know you're proud of him!

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